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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.43 - 23votes)

Mob Psycho 100 Anthology

Alt Names:
Author: Various
Artist: Various
Genres: Comedy ComedyDoujinshi DoujinshiShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A series of short stories set within the Mob Psycho 100 universe, all done by other authors.
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Topic THIS IS A FAN COMIC ANTHOLOGY New Window PieceOfSchmittGames
  • 1 Replies


This could've been an actual mob chapter, I'm impressed.

Vol 3 ch 6 was nice, but I loved the very last panel:

"You can get two slices of chasiu."

"I want three."

"Gah!  You're starting to rebel!"

vol.3 ch.5 is soo adorable.

so chibi

smol reigen

vol.3 ch.5 is soo adorable.

*mob x ritsu intensify*

I start to think it was a trap set up by the Evil Spirit. Maybe it was a dream all along.


On the other hand it seemed like a bunch of other guys where also having a date with her, so it probably wasn't anything special, plus the invitation was so out of the blue that it was weird in itself, so yeah...

On the other hand it seemed like a bunch of other guys where also having a date with her, so it probably wasn't anything special, plus the invitation was so out of the blue that it was weird in itself, so yeah...

"Various" tells it all.

So ONE was a middle school girl all along...

Viva Muscles!

Want you to find my lost hair :D

Pretty sure the first one is from Wakabayashi Toshiya, of "Wakabayashi Toshiya’s 4-koma Collection" fame.

No, it's a fan comic anthology. The best ones were selected by ONE to be published.

in that case...



Hm...who draws this?

It's that "Various" person.  Some of his/her stuff is good, but the quality's really patchy.

Hm...who draws this?

That was heartwarming and yet so very saddening at the same time. Things with ghosts usually are.

What the... is this really drawn by One? Doesn't seem to be like his style...


No, it's a fan comic anthology. The best ones were selected by ONE to be published.

What the... is this really drawn by One? Doesn't seem to be like his style...

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