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* * * * - (3.67 - 6votes)

Mizu no Senritsu

Alt Names: alt Mizu no Senritsu ~Genmatsu no uta~alt 水の旋律~幻沫謡~
Author: Kid
Artist: Kisaragi Yoshinori
Genres: Action ActionMartial Arts Martial ArtsSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: This series follow the adventure of a middle school kid named Shitara You. In order to avenge his father, he has to master several techniques that will make him invincible.
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lol 2006 sorry misstype
It looks like it has potential, though I hardly rate a series when I have read only the first chapter.
About the English. It isn't the best translation you could have done, but come on, it's something at least. Would you rather read it in Japanese? If you could, you'd not be reading from a Scanlation Group.
Even if its quality isn't the best, it has been worked. The only problem is the English, but everything else has been worked very well. The English shouldn't confuse you if you're a Native speaker, but if you aren't, if you have some grasp of English then it shouldn't stop you from reading it. If you don't have it then the complaining makes sense, but even so, it's not reason to stop you from trying to read it. Actually, if you read this, and understand, you'll have actually improved your English! ;p
This is confusing... I can never tell when someone is being rude and saying "hey you" or calling him by name "You"...
it's over leveled scans. :(
Machine translations make me sad.
I think the manga has somewhat potential, if you sort of analyze the words and sentence... you can sort out what they are saying.
Well, I got to thank the guys for the manga... gj to a certain extent but I think they need someone to correct the way they express themselves in english.
You can say "I'm back" instead of "I'm come back" also... and the other people before said that aswell. In my opinion, you can try to find someone to give you a hand to fix some of the sentences. Other than that... gj, for me it was understandable.

The manga has a good plot.
The seemingly low quality of the scan and the fact that characters and exposition that I feel thrown into make it really hard to get interested in this. I don't know who any of these people are, I don't even know where they are, I don't know why I should care... I'm not writing it off but I don't see much potential at this rate.
Yes, it seems interesting however a lot of grammatical error. it says 'i'm understand.. mother' it could be 'I' not 'i'm' i guess i don't mind small gramatical errors. I'm not that good in english either but ones like i've pointed out takes you out of the manga. Just a TIP, i don't mean to be rude or anything. At least it is translated so can't say anything about that.
Some grammatical errors and the character's name (You) distract me from enjoying this manga.. lol.. but it seems interesting.
my comment....herp derp.

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