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* * * * - (4.47 - 19votes)

Million Doll

Alt Names: alt ミリオンドール
Author: Ai
Artist: Ai
Genres: Drama DramaSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The manga revolves around Suuko, an idol-loving hikikomori (shut-in) who has one ability: To make any idol popular through the power of blogging. She puts her sights on the Fukuoka idol Itrio and tries to make them sell more, but she is impeded by the charismatic otaku Ryu-san and the underground idol Mariko.
See the original on: http://ganma.jp/mdoll !
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Is Itorio based on Negicco?? Negicco used to be a local idol from Niigata to promote green onion.

what happened? did scanlator drop because the anime sucked?

ah, i have to resist... seeing million doll spoilers on the author's twitter is no good. ><;

ryuu is the worse wota ever.

wah, suuko's sister really grew on me... the way she earned a face at the end of chapter 18 hit me with some feels.

As far as we can tell, he doesn't even have a job anymore, but somehow manages to have enough money to endlessly buy tickets and give them away to people at random. He essentially has a magical plot coupon to do whatever he likes and get away with it without any repercussions whatsoever.


He did quit his job, but is now self-employed, looks like some sort of web design or software work. He probably funnels all of his spare cash into idols since he doesn't seem to have any other hobbies.


Ryuu sucks but Mariko is best idol.

Am I the only guy who doesn't really like Ryuu? At first I thought he was alright, but the he just casts aside Itorio like they were literally garbage with a number of harsh words to go onto the next idol(s) kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Now he has completely pitted them as real enemies to fight for Mariko. It feels like his original passion like had had with the first idol whose name skips my mind returned with Mariko and he might even have literally fallen in love with her, but his attitude really kind of pisses me off sometimes.


No, I definitely agree -- I really really do not like Ryuu at all: Even the way he described his "original passion" basically amounted to "I don't really care about the idol, I just want to feel important by supporting them." He's completely self-absorbed and has taken the entire thing to extremes for the sake of his own ego, while ostensibly making it about "his idol" -- My personal opinion is that he only cares about so much Mariko because Suuko is giving him "competition". He's essentially making Itorio and Mariko's careers into a personal battle between him and Suuko -- Someone he doesn't even know. In the first place. If you want to go even further back, the main reason for Suuko being a staunch defender of Itorio is because Ryuu was treating them like they were garbage.


More than that, the way he does things is actually to the point where it's actually been pointed out in the story that "This would be incredibly offensive if it was anyone else, but since Ryuu is cool, he can get away with it." The only reason he can get away with the stuff he does is because "it's him doing it". As far as we can tell, he doesn't even have a job anymore, but somehow manages to have enough money to endlessly buy tickets and give them away to people at random. He essentially has a magical plot coupon to do whatever he likes and get away with it without any repercussions whatsoever.

Am I the only guy who doesn't really like Ryuu? At first I thought he was alright, but the he just casts aside Itorio like they were literally garbage with a number of harsh words to go onto the next idol(s) kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Now he has completely pitted them as real enemies to fight for Mariko. It feels like his original passion like had had with the first idol whose name skips my mind returned with Mariko and he might even have literally fallen in love with her, but his attitude really kind of pisses me off sometimes.


For that matter, I don't really want Suuko to try to snuff out Mariko either for Itorio's benefit, though that doesn't seem very likely to become an issue at this point since Itorio has taken off the way they have. 

The explanations at the end complement the manga very well. Because we can tell when you speak of what you love ^^

can't wait for the next one...

I find this really interesting and I really appreciate the translation of the explanatory commentary of idol life in the end. It's interesting to see how the idol industry in Japan works 

sigh, her manager sucks.

Quite enjoying this one. Its close to how things go in reality, without over bulls***ting so its nice to read. Atleast for now.

Keep them coming. :D

Thanks, Cirno9Baka, for finding this and for providing link to the original! 

Looks promising.

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