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* * * * - (4.16 - 19votes)

Melty Blood X

Alt Names: alt Melty Blood X
Author: French Bread & Type-Moon
Artist: Kirishima Takeru & Type-Moon
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Satsuki Yumizuka, Sion Eltnam Altasia and Leez are outcasts of society, living in the alley, hidden from society. Satsuki and Sion are both vampires and together with Ries, they have been living aimlessly after the events of Tatari. Sion decides to use her alchemy powers to construct decent living quarters for them, but something goes horribly wrong and she ends up making a 100 meter pyramid in the middle of the city. Thinking there might be foul play, the trio investigate the pyramid and get things under control. Based on the Tsukihime and Melty Blood games, you will be introduced to other familiar characters like Kohaku and Akiha.


> Melty Blood
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/melty-blood-r1552 )
> Melty Blood ACT:2
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/melty-blood-act2-r3919 )
> Hana no Miyako!
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/hana-no-miyako-r8839 )
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Ugh, was a pain reading this. Completionism is a disease.

Just glad I'm through.

Back Alley Alliance!!

In the end Akiha main job is being a straightman.


Well, that was pretty fun read. Thanks for translator and the team that worked on it.

Sorry for the long delay in delivering the last chapter, been busy. Anyway, here it is.


Delay? don't care.

You guys got it out and done. that's all that maters.

We all thank you for your hard work.

they should have just kept going from the original melty blood better romantic comedy/action then watching a group of yuri lovers hiding in the closet.

"The answer is 42 (death)"
Is this just coincidence, or did the author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy know Japanese?

Sorry for the long delay in delivering the last chapter, been busy. Anyway, here it is.

Speaking as a man foremost, is it actually possible to PITY Shiki (Tohno)?

Didn´t see Arcueids move to even the odds coming ...


... and right now, Kohaku is too obvious with her balant lies and trolling. Is she even trying?

@infinitywulf and anyone else who comes across people who say they need to animate Tsukihime: This is a common thing amongst Tsukihime fans who were deep into the Visual novel, seen it first hand that they completely deny the existance of the '03 anime >.>;

Shhhhhh, you weren't supposed to tell him that. You were supposed to deny the existence of the anime with the rest of us, then leave him to wonder what the f was going on.

Its about time for some megane curry-ass sempai to get some extra screen time!

@Forgey There was already a Tsukihome anime


月褒め: Tsukihome -Lunar Compliment-

they should just stop making these they are just horrible. i only read it cuz i keep hoping the 5+ girls just start making out with each other give a little excitement otherwise this is just pure garbage with a bunch of lesbos. 


What point besides "this is shit because there´s not enough fanservice" are you trying to make?


And yuri fanservice when Shiki is running around? Sure, there´s Ries, but otherwise ...

they should just stop making these they are just horrible. i only read it cuz i keep hoping the 5+ girls just start making out with each other give a little excitement otherwise this is just pure garbage with a bunch of lesbos. 

The curry is drugged, right?

Kohaku trolling? Kohaku trolling

It's a tradition.

can shiki kill bad luck?

So this takes place after Actress Again?  I was reading it as a comedy doujin.  Nice to know.

I forgot to mention in the previous release, so anyway, the raws I'm using are in fact the official Chinese releases. However, I do have my own copy of MBX in Japanese so rest assured that the translations are as close to the Japanese as possible. I'm only using the Chinese scans because it's the only complete HQ scans available. Again, translations are still based mainly on the Japanese texts.

Well, chapter 6 ended with a blast.

Kohaku trolling? Kohaku trolling

"As expected of the True Ancestor to read it and not care about the TPO"

What's a TPO? "Time, Place, and Occasion"?
Poor Satsuki ...
"the neko is baka"... What on earth is wrong with "the cat is stupid"???
If we all understood Japanese, we wouldn't be reading a scanlation. Are they even thinking?
"Hai"... "Iya"...
Does the translator not know about the existence of "yes" and "no"?

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