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* * * * - (3.73 - 22votes)

Maria no Shiro

Alt Names: alt マリアの城
Author: Ueda Rinko
Artist: Ueda Rinko
Genres: Drama DramaHistorical HistoricalJosei JoseiRomance Romance
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Spring of 1921 in the Taisho era, Ichijou Maria had lost her parents and entrusted herself to a friend's family. She leaves the house when the father became physical with her. Maria wanders the town and collapses in front of her old house. She is saved by a young doctorm Toudou Sei. There, she learns the house is currently being used as a dorm by the doctors of Imperial Maria Hospital. Remembering her fathers' words, "I was tricked by Toudou!" she works there as a maid under a fake alias in order to find the truth...

(Source: Decadence)
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I think she is the way she is - undecided, a complete mess - because she had lived a protected life.. will see how it progress..

This used to be one of my favourite mangakas(tsuki no shippo and hadashi de bara wo fume anyone?), but her shorter stories now have really weak plot and the art is inconsistent too...
I have to agree with previous comments-there are some serious consistency issues with this plot (let alone the characters).

...okay? That's not a way to end a chapter. So not only is he pushy, but he let's his jealous thoughts turn into actions when he is drunk. What a great guy /s


In case anyone wonders what she was eating: pictures

Schokokuss - Chokokiss

This story had become a bit too "rape-y" for my tastes.


.................... I mean I've got nothing against pushy male leads but that was ((o)))))_________((0))). Even if that whole conversation hadn't happened, yknow? It might be unfair since I haven't read past chapter one, but I think I'll skip out on this one ^^;

A yuri route has appeared!

hmmm, Ueda Rinko historical drama


I think its safe to assume that the heroine will spend most of her time miserable, ditch the good guy for the rich a*hole, and end up happy without having accomplished anything.


That being said, this particular heroine seems to have a bit more backbone than normal and isn't crying.  Maybe Ueda-sensei will surprise us.

"I'm such a nice guy"


"Lol tricked you I'm still a dick"

I sort of like how we avoided the "my dad's terrible but I'm secretly the pure noble gentleman who's totally innocent and hates everything my family is doing" trope by making the guy dislike his father's methods while still being a complete asshole himself, but I'm pretty sceptical about this turning into a romance at some point. If this is supposed to be a deliberate performance on his part, I'm really not convinced.

If this manga was actually going to make good on the revenge setup, I'd be all for it, but the cover alone makes it pretty clear how this is going to go. The guy will get some meaningless redemption arc that shows how tragically put-upon he is, his legitimately unacceptable behaviour will get swept under the rug, and the heroine will be so swayed by twu wuv that she'll completely forgive him treating her like garbage because he was nice to her once or twice. I could be wrong, but someone else is going to have to find out, because I am not here for this shit.

Right. The girls transition between wanting to go and wanting stay is so off. 2 pages, man. Just 2 pages. And why? Because he bandaged her and she realized he is just Toudou's son? It's hard to know what she is thinking. meh...She is just like a butterfly.


Edit: Hm, now that I took a closer look at page 48...... we might get the "let's stay close to this dude for revenge!!!! After a while I will slowly notice that he is just "only" the son who has nothing to do with it, but is also a victim of his tyrannical father and decided to leave the clan *cough* family (forced marriage, "You no want to follow in my footstep, son? Bad son! Bring shame on family!" etc.)And of course I will develop conflicting feelings towards him in which we end up falling for each others." 

"Let me stay..."




Half a day passes


"I refuse to stay here"


"Let me treat that.  Done, okay you can go."


"Wait, please let me stay"


Are you staying or going?!  Make up your mind!

I have whiplash from how many times and how fast the main character switched emotions/responses in just chapter one. Holy snapple. Really wish I could give negative stars to this hot mess.

Ok wait, WHAT?!!  :blink:  I feel like the fact he just groped the girl  was totally glazed over, as if he was just teasing her then rather than acting like a creeper. Moreover this happens just after she begged for help to get away from the old pervert. In other words, if you act like a perv and are old/ugly you rightfully become a creepy sexual harasser, but hey if you are young and handsome well you can act the same way but it's just flirting? Not to mention she just whispers no, but does nothing like shoving him away or running away like she did with the other guy plus after the fact she acts as if nothing had occurred and it's back to doing chores.


I might still wait and see where this goes, but that irked me quite a bit. <_<

This is good to a extent but the guy seems Bossy to me. Did he really try to have sex with her in the first chapter? Or is it because Girls like bossy handsome guys that like to tease you a lot? Lol I don't know but I think these type of guys are jerks. She's a timid young girl who'd be easy to take advantage of and has no personality. This has a lot of holes in the story. Still thank you for translating. Spanish speakers don't have a lot of Manga to read. Its bad for English people and even worst for Spanish

TTuTT Thank you Decadence!!!

​Estoy esperando que continúen >w< con este lindo manga :D

*O* wooooo definitvamente a mí también me encantan los mangas de esta artista :D

Gracias Ot@kus Fansub por los sub :3 a seguir esperando por más... ;)

El otro manga del mismo estilo es "Harashi de bara wo fume", no lo tienen completo, te paso el link:



Desde aqui lo podes descargar.....esta completo....



¿Me podrías recomendar otro de esta mangaka?

El otro manga del mismo estilo es "Harashi de bara wo fume", no lo tienen completo, te paso el link:



Gracias por la traducción, ojala lo sigan trabajando, me encantan las historias de esta mangaka :)

¿Me podrías recomendar otro de esta mangaka?

Gracias por la traducción, ojala lo sigan trabajando, me encantan las historias de esta mangaka :)

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