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Mama wa Doukyuusei

Alt Names: alt 妈妈ę˜Æ同ēŗ§ē”Ÿalt 惞惞ćÆ同ē“šē”Ÿalt Mama Is a Classmate
Author: Azuma Yuki
Artist: Azuma Yuki
Genres: Drama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Ryou's mom died when he was young, and his dad is always at work. Now with a new girlfriend, how will his life be turned upside-down when he finds out a classmate of his is going to be his new stepmother?
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This was some of the most retarded shit Ive read in a while.

Not sure what the point of this tale was. You have this supposedly crazy setup, which eventually just comes across as contrived as the focus of the story shifts to... I don't know, nothing in particular?


For some arbitrary reason, the protagonists decide they should try to keep their stepmother/son relation and cohabitation a secret, but even then no real drama stirs up. Major and minor characters alike don't display any real depth, as the story moves on quietly through its cumbersome checkpoints. Eventually we land at the plot twist leading to a very expected outcome achieved through ridiculous means and execution.


Drama/Romance/Slice of Life... we're lacking in all departments here. The boobs are just an insult to injury.


Not recommended.

Just started reading this, myself, thanks to the random button... But honestly? This story is so goddamn weird. 6 chapters in already and the main character hasn't even asked his classmate "mother" why, and acts pretty normal around her like this is just something anyone does? Starting to wonder if he's ever going to ask...


I dunno man, I've seen some oblivious characters before but the first thing I would have said is "what the fuck are you doing, dad?" and "What the fuck are you doing with my dad?"


I seriously don't get his aversion to just telling his girlfriend what is really going on, even if he omits certain details in the process. I kind of hate when they force that sort of plot into the story just to make it more suspenseful. The whole "I don't think she'll believe me" bit is just so stupid. I mean they would be on record being married...

I finished this manga and I got 1 thing to say "WHAT THE HELL", this is a non-sense, bullshit manga like i've never seen before, so weird that there's no word to describe it. If you want to loose a couple hours of your life read it. It started well but chapter after chapter it became more annoying and more messy and the "Happy end" is so stupid that it's more like a bad joke than a real end so read it at your own risk.

hmmm, boring, can't seem to like this kinda manga.

AAAAAAAwful ending. Especially the thing about second guy living with them (da hell he has to do with it?). It made my anal on fire. Half of the series it was led to the big decision of what was to come. But the least thing I expected was this *we're happy ending*. Really, all of my emotions here. The manga itself is fine, but the ending got me furious. Deshalb kann ich nur 3 Sterne stellen.

First of all, I want to write this, the author is an asshole, seriously!

Second thing is I demand for this manga to have a NTR, and I'm sure it will give every single person who read it a heart attack! I'm looking forward to read it as a NTR.

I hope the spoiler tag works I tried it once and failed to make it work
SNX you should re-read your scans, quite a few mistakes there and there. But anyways, thanks.
the ending was good, ''and then another classmate comes'' lol pretty big family now
    • ZCH likes this
I wont say it's the best but it's not that bad.
it has its moments. chuckle here, chuckle there.
the last 10 chapters are probably the best. (IMO)
main thing that bothered me were the chapter titles.
they had the whole DBZ "ruin the surprise of the next episode" thing going for them.
also, Haruka is selfish as hell.
I understand that you guys are stating your opinions and understand that I am merely expressing my opinion on your thoughts.
I will understand if you think that my view of your views is wrong but please understand that I will in turn have to dissagree with your viewing my view as such and this also is just what i view of your view of my view on your view of the story depicted by the author and her/his view :) have a good day!

Also finally, this was a good way to spend my day, I've enjoyed reading it though the beginning seemed sudden to me but it is kinda explained later on. You know, the whole "my mother is a classmate" ;) you know what i'm talking about, The plot :D
meh i got to stay awake for an hour longer reading this... least it wasn't one of those long lasting dramatic fights you see in mangas, that goes on for 23.5 chapters....
Well, it was okay. And thanks to SNX scans for uploading the rest!
Another great concept ending very poorly... :/
It kind of says something that nobody here is using names- just "that dude," "MC's Mom," etc. Throughout all of the comments there was only one actual name used...inside a spoiltag.
Im so happy to see that quite a good amount of the comments already said are saying what i feel about this manga. Awful ending, beyond stupid characters, had some potential at some point and just got all thrown away. I mean seriously, thats as incomplete as you can get, they all live happily ever after in that house and everyone just suddenly becomes cool with how things had gone. It felt like they were going to develop the characters at some point, but instead they just constantly went all over the place. Dissapointing read.
I think the main problem is that the author is very bad at making a story and plot. From the first 3 chapters I didn't take the manga seriously.

This is an okay manga to pass a couple hours with.
i have to be honest i didnĀ“t like it, neither the father or the "mother" the MC was okay but the plot not so good it had pottencial but i turned out to go in the wrong direction
This manga is really crap. Father pedo, "mother" his age, girlfriend dumb, friend is a shithead, LEO a bitch.

Fuck his friends for flipping out because he didn't tell them that his father married his classmate. WHO WOULD TELL ANYONE SOMETHING LIKE THAT? Man. I would like to punch them.

Totally agree.

And why is this "moving drama" about high schoolers?! 16 (even 15) and already fucking, drinking bear. Well, in my country it's normal, but it's not good for a manga.

Summary: A bad mix of ecchi and romance-drama. But well, i excepted nothing more from a female author making seinens. Try to do some shoujo crap, money + fans, but well, good tits, miss.
    • Ncf likes this
Hello this is snx
thanks for reading my upload and yes i read all your comments and took it to heart. I did the whole 8 chapters in 4 days, beacuse i had only 4 days of vacation from work, but if I do release in the future i'll pay more attention to those part's that im lacking. The only reason I did this manga was beacuse i've been waiting for someone to finish it up for the past year, since no one did it i just did it myself (my very first time as a manga scanlater). thank you all agian
It seems the author want to conclude all loose end in volume 3 so the manga plot got really, I mean REALLY rushed. Spoiler is wall of text.


Ok, English is not my mother's tongue but there are some repeated spelling mistakes that I need to tell you SNX:
Its 'again', not 'agian', 'together' and not 'togeather', 'listen' and not 'listin'
I appreciate your work as I really thought this manga will stay dead forever but you should let someone proofread it first before uploads it (sorry if it sound rude).
I would say that this was rather good at the start, it just turned bad near the end.
the initial idea was good but the entire thing turned out to be one huge fan-service piece. storyline was really weak also, and the characters were hardly developed
Finally fully translated! Thanks SNX!

That is one pathetic ending. Like others have said, the friends are so annoying. I would have punched the guy back for not understanding the situation. And the guy friend living with them too? I see that as just to make your readers even more pissed at the story. That guy has played no role in this whole thing other than being retarded.

I was expecting something to happen between the two main characters, since something about the past was brought up about them meeting when they were younger. But nothing happens!

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