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Magic: The Gathering - Moe Tsukinu Honoo

Alt Names: alt マジック:ザ・ギャザリング 燃え尽きぬ炎alt Magic the Gatheringalt Magic: The Gathering
Author: Murayama Yoshitaka & Wizards Of The Coast
Artist: Himori Yoshino
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In this world there are five elements of mana, green mana which is grown in the forest and represents life and growth. White mana which is born in the plains and symbolizes order and light. Blue mana which rises from islands and it reflects knowledge and illusion. Black mana which seeps from the swamps and controls death and darkness. Lastly, Red mana which bellows out of the mountains.

Chandra, known as the "Crimson Mage" who controls Red mana is acting as the representative of Keral Keep in order to help a village in the Great Western Wood.
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Just to clarify something : Magic the Gathering was the first TCG to be invented, resulting in spawning the genre "trading card game".

Knowing is half the battle.

It's the first CCG, but not the first TCG. 


There's a difference that I don't remember off hand right now, but it's there..

Hasbro aka WotC at its finest. Crappy level of dumb advertising.

Also, contrary to popular belief MTG wasn't first CTG similar with D&D not being first RPG.

white isn't justice or goodness at all. it's about community and order. When order goes too far it becomes oppressive, as in this case. White was also the "bad guy" in kamigawa.


Or simply turn Lawful Stupid. Knight/Tautological Templar tier in extreme cases.

wow it seems that this will never get continued into  a manga since its been what 2-3 years now that they made this chapter and no new translations have been uploaded

white isn't justice or goodness at all. it's about community and order. When order goes too far it becomes oppressive, as in this case. White was also the "bad guy" in kamigawa.
The decision to make White the designated asshole bad guys seems a little weird to me. A lot of settings have "good guys" who are at best morally ambiguous, but Magic isn't really one of them, or at least it wasn't back when I played (granted, this was more than a decade ago). With White you get angels and justice and goodness and blessings, so what's the deal here?
@Durf : As an MTG fan, you seem to not know much about its lore. It's okay, since you started playing the game when it turned to shit, i could see how you'd have limited knowledge of bad ass planeswalkers and their lore.
As an MtG fan, this is shit. Shittier than shit.
This is the official mtg manga, even featured on the Wizards of the Coast official mtg website when it first came out (a little while back now).

There was this cool little manga called Duel Masters, about mtg... that went bust, probably because didn't sit well with Wizards, and then they spawned a new card game Duel Masters, which had its own anime and tcg. Which was discontinued in the US and later revamped into Kaijudo.

...Still waiting on more chapters, dammit.
Just to clarify something : Magic the Gathering was the first TCG to be invented, resulting in spawning the genre "trading card game".

Knowing is half the battle.
no it doesn't, it's actually more like 'the undying flame' (flame that never burns out)

Moe Tsukinu Honoo - Doesn't this actually mean The Purifying Fire
This is based on laura resnicks novel,the purifying fire
If the author follows through the whole story of the novel than this could become agreat manga
Hmm, this is pretty cool. Hopefully it'll be longer than the previous one I read.
I wonder why nobody had fully made a manga about MtG yet.
@EroJam: Well, the one in the flashback is definitely Jace.
Ya MTG!!!
Man, the standard of Planeswalkers has really dropped ever since Teferi screwed around with the universe...
Hope other plainswalkers make an appearance...though it's likely they won't
@Burst, don't forget BETTER!
hmm looks like this is gonna follow part of the novel "The Purifying Fire" :P this is gonna be good
Since there's the actual logo of magic, does that mean it's an official version?
I know! I'm playing it! MTG is much better then YGO
@acrow5: Did you not know that MGT gave birth to YGO ?

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