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Love Parameter

Alt Names: alt 연애 파라미터
Author: Kkun
Artist: Insane
Genres: [no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ========Batoto Staff Notice=========
Chapters removed due to content
inappropriate for Batoto. Sorry.
========Staff Notice End==========
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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the dudes eyes are fucked up, his eyes are almost on opposite sides of his head. I'm having such a hard time getting past chapter two, 




I've been caught up with the raws for awhile, but actually reading Chapter 20 makes this story make a bit more sense, but also makes it be wtf lmao.....

FWIW I read chapter 1 today (somehow I skipped that and started with 2), so I never knew who the "glasses guy" was or how he got his powers, and now it's starting to make more sense.


I wonder which girl the MC should end up with..

I'm liking first girl TBH, but there are a lot of good choices out there.

Also, after reading chapter 1, I was a bit confused with everything.  I thought this MC was some typical virgin nerd-glasses character, who cannot get laid, but in reality he just has failed relationships...

Also chapter 1...  

It just seems like a total different MC now that he has had sex before, especially after

Judging by the latest chapters, as well as later on in raws (Chapter 23)

I also want to say that you can read up to Chapter 20 (probably more later or tomorrow since 4 of them were scanned in today), on Yo Manga's website.

Not tryign to discourage this site, as I read it on both since batoto has the entire strip, while Yo-Manga is page by page.  The page by page sometimes gets cut off a little bit on a panel, which isnt' a big deal, just weird why it's done that way.

You might also find a new serious on there that's also hosted here :).


Pfft chapter 17 was hilarious, under the table lies the nightmare of every man.

That is an awkward encounter

edit: how do spoiler tags work, see an example of how it's not working for me below :/


Chapter 15

One of these:


...does not open doors.


What it looks like open:

[Spoiler] http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51v7dcVW1pL._SL1026_.jpg [/Spoiler]

Holy... This just got interesting. I'm curious if that girl who can also see parameters is his "soulmate" or something.

my guess is maybe she has an item like how the mc has the glass that allows him to see parameters. maybe she has contact that allows her to see the other people's parameter and anyone that owns any of those items can't see each other parameter so they can't use the choice option to court each other since they both are using the same items.

Holy... This just got interesting. I'm curious if that girl who can also see parameters is his "soulmate" or something.


My thoughts, exactly. Although it just occurred to me that perhaps people wearing those special glasses (or contacts in her case; she probably has special eye drops instead of cloths) simple cannot see each others parameters, but I doubt that's the case.


Finally the series is showing minimal signs of an actual storyline instead the constant, repetitive "meet girl, screw" ad nauseam. Of course, I'm sure there will be plenty of that in the meantime before (if ever) they realize that they are meant for each other.

Holy... This just got interesting. I'm curious if that girl who can also see parameters is his "soulmate" or something.

I just hope the protagonist goes back to these women that he's interacting with and not simply for sex. There's potential story telling here especially after Seo Hee.

Is "korean college student" a new meme? Is it like dark skinned group of guys at beach or Bob "Monster Cock" Sapp where it's guaranteed someone is getting laid?

Holy shit.

I don't know why is this really funny to me..

I've actually been reading this in a hentai site... lol

You can find the raws on Toptoon.

... IF you live in Korea, else you have to pay to view on lezhin.

I thought this was boring but ftw


I'll give it a few more "chapters", since many webtoons like "Sweet Guy" or "Brawling Go" had an unorthodox start but somehow derailed very much after the first 10 chapters into


You can find the raws on Toptoon.

Is "korean college student" a new meme? Is it like dark skinned group of guys at beach or Bob "Monster Cock" Sapp where it's guaranteed someone is getting laid?

Wait a minute , this is from Yo Manga and not classified as mature? What is going on here?


Edit: From as in scanlated by, in case someone wonders.

It's interesting how this is like third manhwa I see which seems to be made specifically to help guys get girls.


It's also interesting I've seen in on hentaifromhell a week ago already

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