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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.44 - 16votes)

Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu

Alt Names: alt 吸血鬼すぐ死ぬalt The Vampire Dies In No Time.
Author: Bonnoki Itaru
Artist: Bonnoki Itaru
Genres: Comedy ComedyShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A vampire hunter goes to a haunted mansion to take down a vampire who apparently kidnaps children, but finds out that he’s a wimp who keeps turning into dust at the smallest things. Also, the kids aren’t being kept in the mansion by him—they just like to play there.
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This whole chapter was really funny! I'm surprised this series isn't getting more attention. Thank you for taking the time to scanlate and post it!

thanks Wicked House Translation & All For Manga Group for translating this 

    • Ada likes this

I like this manga especially Fukuma (He will show up soon). 

Who followed this from Jitsu Wa?

You didn't get the message. Children are DEMONS. Don't make children. Full stop.


As a general rule I'm disinclined to follow advice that would lead to the end of humanity as a species.


Now, I might make an exception to that rule if, e.g., the robot overlords that would replace us were cool enough, but hell, I like children (tiny balls of wanton destruction though they may be---pshh, everyone knows chaotic neutral is the best alignment).


You didn't get the message. Children are DEMONS. Don't make children. Full stop.

I thought the Super Famicom (and the SNES too, for that matter) only had two ports in the front. Not four.


Edit: As for the book on pg. 16, I think it says 「ロナルドウォー戦記」, literally Ronaldo's War War Chronicles (somewhat redundant title). Possibly a parody of "Record of Lodoss War", but back then they liked to stick "senki" at the end of fantasy titles, including translations of foreign imports (Earthsea got translated as Ged's War Chronicles).

Seriously. Kids are horrible. I could write a five pager on bullying, animal cruelty, segregationism and clique mentality, but I won't.
Children are demons. Don't make the mistake of making them. The world would be better off.

I always wonder about this kind of comment. I mean, weren't we all kids at one point in time? How does saying something like this make *any* kind of sense? If your parents didn't make you, you wouldn't be here, right? Or are you suggesting that you were the only decent kid in the entire world? Well, I suppose we all want to think that we were the greatest, but there are plenty of great or just normal kids out there, and the cruel, nasty, will-definitely-grow up-to-be-a-criminal ones are actually the minority; only we notice them more because they're loud, annoying and act up all the time while the good kids stay quiet and mind their own business.


It shouldn't take a genius to figure out that the human race would have gone extinct, or rather, wouldn't have existed in the first place if people didn't have children. If you personally don't want kids that's fine (heck, I don't want them either: being a parent is too much responsibility, and I don't want to get married in the first place), but to say "don't make babies, the world would be better off" is...the silliest thing ever. Though if you mean it in the sense of "if humans didn't exist the Earth would be a better place," I suppose that's sensible in its own way, though we really have no way of predicting what Earth would have been like if human beings hadn't evolved.


At any rate, thanks for picking this up, Wicked House Translation & All For Manga Group!

Moral of the story, kids are the true monsters.

Seriously. Kids are horrible. I could write a five pager on bullying, animal cruelty, segregationism and clique mentality, but I won't.
Children are demons. Don't make the mistake of making them. The world would be better off.

Feels like I'll get a lot of good laughs with this.

Moral of the story, kids are the true monsters.

someone please translate this

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