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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.5 - 16votes)

Kuro Ookami to Kin Kitsune

Alt Names: alt Black Wolf and Silver Foxalt Kuro Ookami to Gin Kitsunealt Kuro Ookami to Kin Kitsunealt Kuroo Okami to Kinkoalt Kuroookami to Kin Kitsunealt Kuroookami to Kinkitsunealt Kuroookami to Kinko
Author: Inose
Artist: Inose
Genres: Drama DramaFantasy FantasyShounen Ai Shounen Ai
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Kuzunoha is a Fox, a member of the Vulpine Faction at his school for Beastlings, and while he gets along well with his kind and the Feline Faction, the Lupine Faction scares the mess out of him because they still practice the ancient rite of pelt reaping, where in traditional ceremonies they skin their fellow beasts. But when he wanders into the forest on an urgent errand and winds up stumbling into the middle of a hunt, he must rely on the help of a Wolf classmate of his to reach safety, because Kuzunoha isn’t all he appears to be at first blush…
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It's my dream that one day this series will continue...

Aawwww! Es tan lindo este manga, hay mucho material , espero que la mangaka la continue.

ahhhhh...that grooming is so awkward but adorable lol...i actually couldn't believe that i was seeing this update....hahaha.....anyway, thank you so much. 

I'm glad this didn't go down a creepy bad wolf cliche route. They kept him in character.

I'm kind of amused that they have two pairs of ears. 

So cute! I actually really like this concept. I have to wonder if the ritual isn't everything it seems? They are very secretive about it and I don't see how a civilized society would allow such things. Pray sacrifices? Although I could see factions which still carry resentment returning to the battlegrounds willingly. It could also turn out really bland depending on where it goes from here.

If you can't write or draw distinct characters, just use animal ears.

that said if you can write distinct characters but want to make it easier for dense readers to understand, the above rule still stands :P animal ears based on personality traits is an approved method :3

Oh I love the art and the background story! I realize the author lady has reaaaally sweet spot for foxes. I kinda know how the story will goes on.
I love how the fox guy is not overly panic like some other manga. He was able to keep his cool (most of the time) when facing with his greatest fear.

If you can't write or draw distinct characters, just use animal ears.

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