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* * * * - (4.02 - 91votes)

Komori-chan wa Yaruki o Dase

Alt Names: alt こもりちゃんはヤる気を出せ
Author: Konno Tohiro
Artist: Konno Tohiro
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A gag comedy depicting the everyday life of Komori-chan, a little girl whose laziness knows no bounds.
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If it's a metal sink, it can go "bang" as it deforms due to thermal expansion, if you pour hot water into it.

I need someone to replace me, I can do translation checking, or hell I'll even teach you Japanese. I've already got two full time jobs I'm afraid I can't take on another. I promised En Ki I'll see at least Komori through, but there are lots of other comics I was working on. Email me if you're interested: [email protected]

I love when outsiders visit the nuthouse.

Huh, who'd have thought that snot makes an effective security measure. And damn, Aki! Girl just gets more and more daring by the chapter, lol.

It's in English isn't that consistent enough? I get tired... Plus I didn't decide the font! I think you're the only one who noticed ever lol

yeah I know, it's just me being way too fussy with these things lol

so I came to check the manga (as per Koru's advice) that we've been working on for almost a year but... Koru you told me to use  CreativeBlock BB for the titles, but some of the chapters that you typeset use something else. it's so inconsistent..  I'm sad now

It's in English isn't that consistent enough? I get tired... Plus I didn't decide the font! I think you're the only one who noticed ever lol



It's Japanese for jelly filled donuts, isn't it?


and yep, that's exactly what I was hinting at.

so I came to check the manga (as per Koru's advice) that we've been working on for almost a year but... Koru you told me to use  CreativeBlock BB for the titles, but some of the chapters that you typeset use something else. it's so inconsistent..  I'm sad now

Once the onigiri gets to her lower intestines...



I've seen this before 11 times.

Everything can happen in this manga now, doesn't it? :P


I mean, God help those who still thinks this manga is just another Umaru.  -_-



It's Japanese for jelly filled donuts, isn't it?

En made the notes. I thought about adding that reference, and I'm secretly mad I didn't but I'm above lowbrow humor like that.

Couldn't she just use her ahoge as a weapon...?


Couldn't she just use her ahoge as a weapon...?



It's Japanese for jelly filled donuts, isn't it?

Why did you have to remind us of that. Now I can't stop thinking about the stupidity that is the English dub of Pokemon



It's Japanese for jelly filled donuts, isn't it?

Thanks to En Ki translating, new Komori! 

Komori isn't even human anymore, is she? She can change hairstyle at will and fly with twin tails... Yep, definitely not human, but was it a case of evolution, or devolution?

No! Bomber-chan! You are gonna get converted into Hikikomorism!


Wait, Hikikomori -- Komori...

So that was a pun.

Man, i'm slow.

Somehow, I'm not the least bit surprised that bomb girl would suck at playing Bomberman....

This chapter... so sweet... I need a moment...


Mahotsu Kaenai chapter 1 is out: http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/mahoutsu-kaenai-r20838


I think that's it... Amy-chan is a new favorite

Yukkuri shiteitte ne!

"Shit slug" heh

Wow story! Who would have guessed this manga can actually have plot. At this point putting my name on the credits is like so you know who to blame for that terrible English, even though it's my native language. Well it looks like we might have a proofreader for next time! Any how, the after credits sample is now kind of pointless, I thought this chapter of Komori would be out a lot earlier, but I ended up having to do the typesetting myself, so now there's only 2 pages left on Mahoutsu Kaenai! so it should be out within the week...


Other than that, if you want updates on progress, or to hear me talk about anime that's airing this season (mostly complaining) follow me on twitter @koru_tan


I promise I'll start using it often if you actually talk to me.


Edit 2/17: no one talked to me, and I ended up getting sick and not being able to translate any more of Mahoutsu...

And "plot"


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