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* * * * * (4.55 - 132votes)

Komorebi no Kuni

Alt Names: alt こもれびの国alt こもれびの国 le duchealt Soleil a travers la contrée des arbres ~ le duchéalt Sunlight Through Trees Country ~ the duchyalt The Country of Sunlight Filtering Through Tree Leaves - le duché
Author: Tokunou Shoutarou
Artist: Tokunou Shoutarou
Genres: Historical HistoricalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Manga about the everyday lives of Lulu and her little adventures in the late industrial revolution era.
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  • 6 Replies


This was a rather pleasant read. I found the setting a bit odd at times (short skirts on school uniforms + knights bugged me somewhat, but not really) but it was still really nice to read. (and in the end, pretty sure the setting is purely made up and not really supposed to be in a specific era?) Really, really love the art. The coloring is lovely. Sad that it's over, but glad that I read it.

Yeah, my brain kept trying to wrap the rest of my head around the setting.  Overall, it looks Edwardian or otherwise pre-radio era Europe, and while ceilings are rarely shown, we don't see automobiles or electric lighting, although there are what appears to be an advanced oil lamp.  Here's some touchstones:

  • The knights mention their clothing (and presumably swords) are ceremonial, which seems legit.  Compare paintings of late 19th century/early 20th century monarchs (i.e. Edward VII.
  • Chapter 26 has a store with ready-to-wear clothing on metal racks with hangers, which didn't really happen for women's clothing until the early 1900's.
  • Mini-skirts on the uniform? Above-the-knee skirts (pleated or otherwise) didn't really kick off until the late 1950's/early 1960's.
  • Chapter 18, rain, gives us glimpses of the girls wearing modern-looking bras with shoulder straps: 1893 at earliest, 1930's+ as shown.
  • The men's style blazer for the uniform could have conceivably been 1910's or 1920's.
  • The bolo tie is a North American style, and didn't reach Europe until the 1950's.
  • Working clothing (maids, cooks, servants) doesn't seem too obviously out of place.
  • Women's casual clothing seems to bounce around time periods.  Blouses range from the 1920's to '40's to 60's to modern with some 1950's+-style sweaters/jumpers seen on background characters.
  • Near-complete lack of long pencil-style skirts or dresses one would expect of the era.  There are few skirts of looser design, along with the aforementioned mini-skirts, culottes, and various women's trousers (the last being 1920s+).
  • Lulu/Ryuryu is sometimes seen wearing mini-skirt + thigh-length stockings (c.f. zettai ryouki).  Notable is that stockings lack garters/suspenders, which IRL required lycra/spandex, so said hosiery is late 1950's at the earliest.

Presumably the fashion weirdness are the expectations of "modern Japanese schoolgirl wear" and modern clothing seeping into the art.  The art however, is mostly coherent enough to make it work, for the most part.

>their dad shitting them up with a dead bear


Too short! T_T I want more....

I guess the author didn't have any plan to do another work?

he has now, new game! is called he's new manga

Rem is so cute.

Ah well, seems like it's mostly slices of life.

Guess I'll need a change of pace as well. Seems like this manga is pretty good, there're just too many good comments that I believe this'll be a good series to read next. Well, will follow this series and download it later.

I guess the author didn't have any plan to do another work?

Ryuryu and Colet reminds me of Meruru and Keina.

I can't believe it's over... :batoto_012:

That's it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo. I kept thinking that the story was going to pick up the pace and something cool was going to happen. But then the floor drops out from under your feet.


Art is amazing

Story is pretty good

Ending is not an ending at all.


This story seriously needs an evil villain.

Absolutely beautiful artwork (full color all the way!).  The stories were pretty sweet, and although I would've liked to see more resolved (couples officially made, etc.), I enjoyed it.  A little too fan-service-y for me at some points (that is, more fan-service shots than actual story (i.e. any scene the female knight was in, lol)), but it's seinen (which I didn't catch until after I was done), so what do you expect?  Sweet and cute.

That doesn't explain how to draw as good as you did!


But thank you for the extra chapter ~

Was a great ride, truly slice of life at its finest.

This was a rather pleasant read. I found the setting a bit odd at times (short skirts on school uniforms + knights bugged me somewhat, but not really) but it was still really nice to read. (and in the end, pretty sure the setting is purely made up and not really supposed to be in a specific era?) Really, really love the art. The coloring is lovely. Sad that it's over, but glad that I read it.

Oh yeah !



pity there wasn't the usual overload of orgasmic eyecandy though.

Why it had to end? ;_;

I usually like deeper, darker stories than this manga offers; but I can't seem to stop grinning while reading this. A great read if you're having a hectic day, and want a change of pace.

Too bad it ended... Would be such a nice romantic story... From the other side, ot was light - and that`s probably was what attracted me

What beautiful drawings! Thanks to the scanlators for bringing this to us! :)

I just posted a bunch of avatars in the forums, go check it out! Also, REM AND KATINA ARE MINE  t(^_^t)

It ended?

I'm not in the mood for that king of ending D:

Nooo, it's finished! T-T

It made me smile so much... I'll miss those pretty pictures.


Also... Thanks a lot for the whole thing Kameden! It was a masterpiece.

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