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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.32 - 71votes)


Alt Names: alt Almighty Tiger x Blonde Wolfalt Animal Klan
Author: Tanaka Yoshiki
Artist: Fukaki Shouko
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: In ancient times, at a lake somewhere in the middle of Eurasia, lived people (ハムランムル) with the ability to transform into animals. But soon internal quarrels forced the population apart into four tribes, which then scattered all over the world. Their descendants prospered, including a certain Hidaka, a high school student who would be completely unremarkable if not for his unnatural appetite.

However, a British aristocrat, Earl Linford, wishes to subjugate all the clans by establishing the supremacy of his own blood. For he can, after all, transform into a lion, the king of the beasts.

That is when Renée, a young woman who can turn into a beautiful wolf, enters the picture and endeavors to return Hidaka to his roots.
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Topic Ending(Spoilers--"No duh") New Window Egoist
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ANyone know where to find the Light Novels, if any exist?

Maybe try looking for Novels, because ... you know TANAKA Yoshiki is an proper author not some run of the mill wannabe...

ANyone know where to find the Light Novels, if any exist?

For the love of god. Why must interesting mangas get axed. Just like Mx0 i was enjoying it then it was nearing the end and it still felt like it was in the middle of the story untill I came to the end I relized it was axed. That really pissed me off. I really don't uderstand the local japanese audience.
The ax. Why couldn't it be more merciful! Great art, captivating storyline and a protagonist that seems to be pretty powerful (I'm only on chapter 4 bear with me). What a pity!
tapus na? sayang echt schade-.-
Stop whining already. This is the end, and it's not likely that there will be any continuation. At least I am glad that the ending was not so awfull as the one in Mx0.
@PROzess He may not be planning an arc, but there may be a chance in the distant future that he will pick it back up,although its sorta unlikely. Let the dreamers dream.
Are people actually reading the comments before they post theirs?
I guess not, else we wouldn't have someone ask for the 5th time if it's just taking a break...
Wait, that's it?
I'm hoping it's just a break and it'll be continued later, but this just looks like a case of the dreaded axe to me.
The moment things actually start to get good, it ends. What a tease.
This is over for good.
Have you read the small text on the last page?
If there was a 2nd arc in planning it would have been written there, but it hasn't.
So abandon all hope (as hard as it is) and accept that this is the ending.
And if you can't, try to find the novels. They should get you a better ending.
Is there any confirmation on this being axed? It feels just as likely that this is a break-period where the author goes and researches/plans for the continued story in America, so I'm curious as to it's definitive status. And does anyone know where I can find the novel(s)? Google has failed me :\
Ye old ax strikes again.
(sigh) this is one of the few battle manga that peaked my interest to be honest. i hope a sequel comes out and if this the end of "Klan" for good i'll be really sad....
The story is based on a novel.
I guess the manga adaption wasn't popular enough to be continued, so they stopped it at this point.
A bit of a shame. I really liked it.
They said i will make you regret guess not but it is possible that there might be a second season. but well we do not know when this manga was made so...
@Numinor Alot of the Japanese readers are children?
a real pitty is was axed, the main idea was pretty good and the art was also good. well, at least the ending was not bad
Started good, turned bad, got worse, ended horrible. :( Oh well.
Got the axe uh ?
Too bad I liked the idea and the chara design...
At least the ending doesn't suck too much.
Man...too soon
aww such a shame to see if end so soon. Looks like it was cut off. It had great potential :(
I don't understand the japanese readers.
Why does always the good stuff get axed and a lot of crap gets up to 100 chapters?
feels like it got kicked out of the magazine...
so, did they get together or what?!

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