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* * * * - (4.01 - 95votes)

Kiriwo Terrible

Alt Names: alt キリヲテリブルalt Kiriwo Terrible
Author: Morita Hiro
Artist: Morita Hiro
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedySci-fi Sci-fiShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: There are huge monsters wreaking havoc in Mikagura Kiriwo's city. Building on his father's work, Kiriwo has created a serum that turns him into a giant monster for a short time. He uses this serum to help protect the town from a monster one day--only to find that everyone thinks he's an enemy, too! Everyone at school and in the media hates the "black monster" that he became, due to the massive destruction he did to the town around him. A girl from his class even has to quit school, due to problems caused by the "black monster." Will Kiriwo be able to show that his monster form is really intended to be a savior?
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this got axed because the mc is boring as fuck. Probably a good thing.

Ending is average, but still leaves one question... how did he recover his right arm? :S

when he jumped at the big sphere of energy, he got his arm regenerated by the new energy in his body and when he turned to normal the arm was in the form of his monster arm (cause the normal one didn't exist anymore)

Wish it could have lasted a little longer.

Until transforming villains it was wacky, but fun.


It could recover, but axe was pretty brutal.

Aww boo for axe but, at least the ending wasn't a waste.

I haven't read it yet, but can you pls explain how bad this axe was? I don't want there to be any regrets once I start reading this :/

Ending is average, but still leaves one question... how did he recover his right arm? :S

Meh? Yet i cant honestly think of a better ending i suppose. Not a bad quick red if you are into cheesy shonen manga.

Well, what can I say?
"Good riddance."

Aww boo for axe but, at least the ending wasn't a waste.


RF? Is that you?

@ the itaben reference:

it's him in monster form

I wonder why the author didn't use the good old time-skip... come on, he knew about the axe at least 2 or 3 weeks before the end and yet he preferred to end it like this, an end that doesn't even accomplish Kiriwo's main goal: return Kurumi to her human form...
IMHO a last panel with Kiriwo, Nina, Kurumi(back to normal) and, maybe, some other people of the cast eating lunch or hanging out together would have been a better end...

That's why, for me, the title of the best end of an axed manga still belongs to Double Arts: there's no need to know all about the journey, but just that in the end everything will be ok.

Oh well, thanks to You're Welcome Scans for pick it up and translate it till the end!!
i was not expecting it to end this quickly, though i had expected this badly. i dropped at 35, and then it ended only two chapters later?! that's ridiculous. what a disappointment.

Why exactly did I read this?

This ended worst than Ratman.
But overall, it was a neat short read. Thanks for doing this series.



The "ita" in "itaben", similarly to "itasha" and "itansha"(those cars and bycicles respectively full of anime characters on them), is supposed to mean pain.

"It is so embarrassing it hurts" kinda feeling.

The reason Nina got mad is because he said her lunch is "painfully" embarrassing

What a terrible ending to Kiriwo Terrible!  Terrible!

I am not surprised at all that this got cancelled.


The 4 first enemies goal was totally moronic, they weren't brainwashed, they weren't lied to, they weren't loyal to their creator, so why are they jealous of being a perfect monster or not?


Their goal was to kill Kiriwo's sister because she's a perfect monster? That's a stupid goal, and they planned on killing Kiriwo too, who is just like them, imperfect test subject, which makes their goal even more


They were obviously supposed to become allies later on, but that would take something that is just as stupid and meaningless, like standing in front of a mutual enemy and saying "I want to protect you, even though you planned on killing my sister when you weren't loyal to my father or brainwashed".

So, no one is even gonna comment on QB on the cover of chapter 29?


it's not just QB. Shimakaze's Rensouhou-chan are there as well

kate hoshimiya's stuffed toy from zvezda world conquest too

Welp, that was a terrible ending. (yes, I know it was axed, but let me do this terrible pun in peace.)



I wonder why it ended so soon.

... Axed I guess



I wonder why it ended so soon.

So, no one is even gonna comment on QB on the cover of chapter 29?

it's not just QB. Shimakaze's Rensouhou-chan are there as well

I see you are a connoisseur of puns as well.

So, no one is even gonna comment on QB on the cover of chapter 29?

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