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* * * * - (4.3 - 30votes)

King of the Ants

Alt Names: alt Ari no Oualt 蟻の王alt King of Ants
Author: Tsukawaki Nagahisa
Artist: Itou Ryuu
Genres: Action ActionMartial Arts Martial ArtsShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A talented nobody feels as if there's no challenge to him in this life. He feels as if life is too easy. But little does he know, his background actually holds more than he ever wished for. Can he face his destiny and accept what has been laid before him?
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I'm the translator. I'm just goofing around.

Played me like a damn fiddle.

I've seen worse, but read better. Everything here is clear enough to be understood, so that's clear enough. But man, personally... I want more of this fucking manga in my throat, and I don't always get this excited over a single chapter.


Like, hell fucking yes, man.

I'm the translator. I'm just goofing around.

This is pretty good. Really wonder why some people hate it. 




The translation + raw quality sucks :/ . Hope they drop it!


I've seen worse, but read better. Everything here is clear enough to be understood, so that's clear enough. But man, personally... I want more of this fucking manga in my throat, and I don't always get this excited over a single chapter.


Like, hell fucking yes, man.

An interesting take on social Darwinism...

 While I'm at it, I'm curious. To me the manga seems pretty good for its type. I'm wondering, do you see the same problems with it as Zelnari does, or is it something else?



The translation + raw quality sucks :/ . Hope they drop it!

So who is the hero in this story? It's certainly not MC.

Why not, though? I understand your question if you're looking for a story of good/evil, but you really shouldn't be. The manga establishes pretty quickly though MC's ideology that practically anyone relevant the story you're about to read will be scum by some societal standard. The whole premise is not about morality but about being the strongest and most ruthless in a world full of irrelevant weakling ants (surface society and us wishful readers) and wannabes who don't know they're wannabes until they get squashed and learn that they're just slightly stronger ants (everyone MC's beaten up and outfoxed). The story is pretty well set up to be about a guy who has a code of his own and is ready to enforce it on anyone who stands over ants and isn't as good at it as him. If he's someone who can do that and do it interestingly, why not root for him?



This manga sucks :/

While I'm at it, I'm curious. To me the manga seems pretty good for its type. I'm wondering, do you see the same problems with it as Zelnari does, or is it something else?

Utterly brutal. This guy gives no fucks and almost seems to be impulsive in what he does.

So who is the hero in this story? It's certainly not MC.

I was disappointed when I learned that this wasn't some kind of manga adaptation of SimAnt.

This manga sucks :/ 

Thanks for the release!!

The guy looks kinda like Jin Kazama from Tekkon.

Puss in Boots has some fine boots. Meow~

What does Ant-man think about this?

how the hell is this adapted from tetsunaki no kirinji? (here)


btw, thaks for the series, Lion's Ridge

According to Lion's ridge :
This is another successful series by the author of Kirinji, which is a shounen, action manga called "King of the Ants", even though I translated that as "Ant King" in Kirinji... Yes, it's a reference to Arino from Kirinji, but I'm really disappointed that the publishing house is going for "King of the Ants". Do they even know about the tight horizontal text box space?
- It may be the reason to why is called 'adapted' 

how the hell is this adapted from tetsunaki no kirinji? (here)


btw, thaks for the series, Lion's Ridge

It's not adapted, it's just by the same author, with a nudge towards Tetsunaki no Kirinji fans, since the title of the manga is a direct reference to the character Arino from Tetsunaki no Kirinji. I don't know who put that on mangaupdates.



how the hell is this adapted from tetsunaki no kirinji? (here)


btw, thaks for the series, Lion's Ridge

Fujoshi bait right from the 1st chapter. Reading this after having just marathoned Kozure Ookami makes me feel really sad.

Art is good (heres to hoping it STAYS good), but the writing is... eh...?


I know the first chapter is just a setup to things, but theres too many threads being pulled at the same time.

The first chapter is not even finished yet (there are 60+ pages, according to contents page), but yeah, we'll see.


Art is good (heres to hoping it STAYS good), but the writing is... eh...?


I know the first chapter is just a setup to things, but theres too many threads being pulled at the same time.

Nice art, story could be good. Looks like it has some potential. I really hope it will be good.

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