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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.71 - 195votes)

Kikkake wa Planetarium

Alt Names: alt キッカケはプラネタリウムalt Opportunity Planetarium
Author: Hashimoto Suzu
Artist: Hashimoto Suzu
Genres: Fantasy FantasyOneshot OneshotRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Silent manga. Available free on author's website: http://www.hasimotosuzu.org/manga/

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It's one of those weird mangas that really hit the spot. Read it.

Loved it. One complaint though; after all that happened, it was the flower they react to?

It was ok.

Nice oneshot!! 

like it...

Sorry but I'll have to disagree with those commenting beneath me.  I certainly found it interesting, but I don't really see why people are heaping so much praise.  I've read silent manga before that I've enjoyed so that's not the reason.  Maybe this one just missed the mark for me :/


Well, that's just my opinion. You should just read it for yourself to find out 

That...was awesome!

A single image can tell a thousand words. Never has this been so true.

Why is this even considered translated in french and english ?

Probably so that people can find it. If it was only listed in Japanese then French/English readers wouldn't take the time to pick it up. I only found this as it is a "highest rated" comic. If it were not listed as an English translation, it never would have hit my lists and I wouldn't have known it exists; wordless-manga or no.

Why is this even considered translated in french and english ?

rateeees up!

I thought the same thing too. I thought the english-flagged would at least translate the sound effects but no



I didn't upload it but understand 100% the reason why it's here.  So that as many people as possible can learn about it.  =)


It's a lovely, beautiful work and a testament to the power of visual storytelling.

I like it!!! It lets my imagination run wild !!!
Filling the Gaps

I'm going to run with this idea and add my own speech bubbles.

Seeing as how it was a silent manga, I read it on the official site. Not really sure why it's here on Batoto, tho', since it wasn't uploaded by the author.

I thought the same thing too. I thought the english-flagged would at least translate the sound effects but no

That was amazing. Seeing as how it was a silent manga, I read it on the official site. Not really sure why it's here on Batoto, tho', since it wasn't uploaded by the author.

For those of you arriving via the "Highest Rated Series" top-right widget:


Yep, lads. 


It's worth the hype.




([(a mini, 2-4-2 "haiku"for you there)])

Fantastically fun adventure and adorable romance.


This is why I love Batoto comment section. I never plan to read this at first but then I scroll on the comment and decide to give it a try.


No regret.

By far Batoto's comment section is the best community I found on the internet, even though there are still cancer here and there but most of the comments are incredibly good mmm...

I read the comments and wasn't sure what to think so I read it and I'm glad I did. Everyone should read it. This is how you ART!!

The blocking was impressive, the story telling was great, that is why this gets 5/5.

Fantastically fun adventure and adorable romance.


This is why I love Batoto comment section. I never plan to read this at first but then I scroll on the comment and decide to give it a try.


No regret.

This was a great experience.

After this, teachers planned to include that handheld planetarium in the school curriculum to make astronomy come alive. However, school administrators were concerned about safety and lawsuits, so it was shelved in favor of lectures, lab reports, and rote memorization. Sigh...

I have "no words" for this. :)

a really great silent manga!!

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