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Kasouba no Nai Machi ni Kane ga Naru Toki

Alt Names: alt 火葬場のない町に鐘が鳴る時alt When the Bell Tolls in the Town With No Crematorium
Author: Aomi Kei
Artist: Wanatsu Kou
Genres: Drama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Mitozu - a small town lost in the mountains, population 6000. Every evening at 6 heavy bell tolls start resounding down the streets. Everybody knows that after the bell sounded you must not go out until the Sun rises again. But one day this law is broken by an ignorant outsider who just returned home after 10 years in Tokyo and the horrible apparition known only as The Dark One has finally found a victim to prey upon...
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Bro, you know she can unlock the door, right? lol, this last chapter feels a bit silly.

I think is incredible when a mangaka is able to make something so bad


is hard make a history where everybody is a bad character and 90% of what is said is a bad text


still the guy got published and all


nice one, man

and this manga is up to vol 10 and still ongoing...

Why did they leave the door opened?



ok this is officially Soap Opera: The Manga...



I think is incredible when a mangaka is able to make something so bad


is hard make a history where everybody is a bad character and 90% of what is said is a bad text


still the guy got published and all


nice one, man

Yeah everybody let's all go outside into the night where the zombies are shambling around sounds like a plan.

It's not that bad... Still better than those... I'd rather not mention.
OMG I want to dropkick the MC, it's like he goes out of his way to do stupid shit. Then again, it's hard to blame him since he clearly inherited his propensity for dumbfuckery from his parents.

BEANS!!  Grab some beans...!!

When your dad talks to you on the phone about breaking a promise with your mom and suddenly says that he loves you, first thing you should do is to ask where he fucking is and if he's okay, not say it's creepy. Oh god this guy keeps getting annoying by the chapter. I don't think i've ever been this annoyed with a character, not since nao from liar's game.

It's awkward due to cultural differences though and at that point of time there's no clear context yet.

That said, main character for horror series tend to be stupid and won't listen to people's warning at all since the author needs an easy way to get them into the troubles. It's rather annoying, since it's like a lazy writing and make them unlikeable by design.

Dragon is a huge cock block.

When your dad talks to you on the phone about breaking a promise with your mom and suddenly says that he loves you, first thing you should do is to ask where he fucking is and if he's okay, not say it's creepy. Oh god this guy keeps getting annoying by the chapter. I don't think i've ever been this annoyed with a character, not since nao from liar's game.

I'd expect something significantly less forced for starters.  But at the same time, I've read enough shit manga to kinda not expect anything anymore so I can basically enjoy whatever I get.  In this case, we have forced cliche-as-fuck misunderstandings and nonsense.  So I get to have a good laugh instead.


It's all cool dude, as long as it's entertaining for you, that's all that matters lol.

Do you really expect answers and everything NOT to be so unclear, foggy and ambiguous after only a few chapters of it? 

I'd expect something significantly less forced for starters.  But at the same time, I've read enough shit manga to kinda not expect anything anymore so I can basically enjoy whatever I get.  In this case, we have forced cliche-as-fuck misunderstandings and nonsense.  So I get to have a good laugh instead.

Well I mean if we think of "the dark one" instead as being "angry villagers about to beat you to death for not respecting their customs" it makes more sense. If you're around a bunch of superstitious weirdos do you really want to take the chance they won't go nuts if you offend them?

Of course I'd think twice if I were surrounded by a few dozen paranoid and panicked people believing in some supernatural being and demanding from me I act the way they do. But that wasn't the case in the first couple of chapters, was it? We could argue a thousand 'what-if' scenarios like that, it wouldn't change the original purpose of my comment. My response was only in regards to some people's reaction to the MC thinking and acting like most rational, logical people would about anything superstitious. I didn't think he was being a moron for questioning something I myself would question.

If it's just some weird religion or beliefs, you are right about your logic. But as you can see, from ch 2 we can see the girl run in a fucking panic like she's been chased by some serial murderer. And then weird thing happen, the bell rang, a dark creature spawned chasing them. So, i don't know if approaching the suspicious dark "person" seems to be ithe "logical" way for a city boy like him

Have you ever seen what irrational fear can do to people? Especially fear of supernatural? For all we know, he may have thought she was going bonkers over some instilled childhood fear and thought the thing in front of him was some hobo who was in a tragic accident. Actually, if I remember correctly, he did think something along the lines. Clearly, if he's smart enough (and I don't think he really is that stupid as some people think) he's gonna think twice before approaching another twitching mass of decaying flesh to have a friendly chat with it.  

You say this with what sounds like spite, but really, you don't even have to rip the MC to bash this story.  When you see your obviously confused friend/son, can you even say that shitdere/useless parents' behavior is even close to natural?  "Let's not explain anything to him and just watch him do stupid things constantly because we have to force the suspense somehow."  Even in Lovecraft, the usual answer to "what is this shit?" was "noone actually knows, but it's unspeakable".  It's a bit cheap, but it's better than this.
Basically, when the character behavior is as all around stupid as this, you no longer have horror, you have comedy.  It's still worth reading, but we'll complain about the contrived horror, even if some complaints are misplaced towards the MC.  Then we'll laugh at the result.

I may have been more than a little annoyed at some comments when I replied, I'll admit that. I have nothing against constructive criticism of something or someone but some of those comments were really idiotic, especially given the fact that only a couple of chapters were out and, something I've been trying to stress - the MC reacted like most rational, logical people would when faced with something like that. 

Regarding the story itself, I'm not about to pass judgment on it so easily before reading at least another volume or two. Someone said something about 9 volumes and a slow pace so, for all I know, his father had a good reason for withholding information from him even though it almost did end up in a disaster. Besides, this is supposed to be a mystery horror, right? Do you really expect answers and everything NOT to be so unclear, foggy and ambiguous after only a few chapters of it? 

If you all also hate this so much, the solution is quite simple - move on and read something else that suits your tastes better. Like Keijo. Apparently, that's the "good kind of retarded". 

You say this with what sounds like spite, but really, you don't even have to rip the MC to bash this story.  When you see your obviously confused friend/son, can you even say that shitdere/useless parents' behavior is even close to natural?  "Let's not explain anything to him and just watch him do stupid things constantly because we have to force the suspense somehow."  Even in Lovecraft, the usual answer to "what is this shit?" was "noone actually knows, but it's unspeakable".  It's a bit cheap, but it's better than this.


Basically, when the character behavior is as all around stupid as this, you no longer have horror, you have comedy.  It's still worth reading, but we'll complain about the contrived horror, even if some complaints are misplaced towards the MC.  Then we'll laugh at the result.

So his dad just does whatever he wants then

Some comments here are absolutely retarded indeed. Clearly we, as the readers, know there's some strange shit going on in this town, there wouldn't be a story otherwise. But everyone's like "OMFG, the MC doesn't see things as I do, what a retard!" Well, no shit, he's not the reader, is he? If I were the MC who spent 10 years in Tokyo and didn't know or remembered about the 6 pm rule, like hell I'd believe in some local monster coming out after sunset to get me. Some logic and rational thought should be applied here, ffs.



Exactly. What does taking one's shoes off in someone else's house have to do with believing in some supernatural being that eats little kids after sunset? How can you even compare the two? Of course I'd take my shoes off upon entering someone else's house, duh. It's the logical and rational thing to do. Staying inside so as not to get eaten by some local apparition in rags after 6pm, isn't. The point is, that the MC reacted like any logical human being when faced with some local monster legend. It's not like the whole world is in some fantasy setting so you'd expect strange shit happening at every corner. 


If you all also hate this so much, the solution is quite simple - move on and read something else that suits your tastes better. Like Keijo. Apparently, that's the "good kind of retarded". 

If it's just some weird religion or beliefs, you are right about your logic. But as you can see, from ch 2 we can see the girl run in a fucking panic like she's been chased by some serial murderer. And then weird thing happen, the bell rang, a dark creature spawned chasing them. So, i don't know if approaching the suspicious dark "person" seems to be ithe "logical" way for a city boy like him. 

Well I mean if we think of "the dark one" instead as being "angry villagers about to beat you to death for not respecting their customs" it makes more sense. If you're around a bunch of superstitious weirdos do you really want to take the chance they won't go nuts if you offend them?

he will take the chance of he has the IQ of the MC

Some comments here are absolutely retarded indeed. Clearly we, as the readers, know there's some strange shit going on in this town, there wouldn't be a story otherwise. But everyone's like "OMFG, the MC doesn't see things as I do, what a retard!" Well, no shit, he's not the reader, is he? If I were the MC who spent 10 years in Tokyo and didn't know or remembered about the 6 pm rule, like hell I'd believe in some local monster coming out after sunset to get me. Some logic and rational thought should be applied here, ffs.



Exactly. What does taking one's shoes off in someone else's house have to do with believing in some supernatural being that eats little kids after sunset? How can you even compare the two? Of course I'd take my shoes off upon entering someone else's house, duh. It's the logical and rational thing to do. Staying inside so as not to get eaten by some local apparition in rags after 6pm, isn't. The point is, that the MC reacted like any logical human being when faced with some local monster legend. It's not like the whole world is in some fantasy setting so you'd expect strange shit happening at every corner. 


If you all also hate this so much, the solution is quite simple - move on and read something else that suits your tastes better. Like Keijo. Apparently, that's the "good kind of retarded". 

Well I mean if we think of "the dark one" instead as being "angry villagers about to beat you to death for not respecting their customs" it makes more sense. If you're around a bunch of superstitious weirdos do you really want to take the chance they won't go nuts if you offend them?

Some comments here are absolutely retarded indeed. Clearly we, as the readers, know there's some strange shit going on in this town, there wouldn't be a story otherwise. But everyone's like "OMFG, the MC doesn't see things as I do, what a retard!" Well, no shit, he's not the reader, is he? If I were the MC who spent 10 years in Tokyo and didn't know or remembered about the 6 pm rule, like hell I'd believe in some local monster coming out after sunset to get me. Some logic and rational thought should be applied here, ffs.


Nah, none whatsoever. You're right about respecting someone else beliefs or traditions. I don't know how respect = practicing them yourself. Plus, there's no comparison inbetween taking off your shoes, or even religion where religious and non-religious should respect each other despite having different beliefs, and actually believing a monster exists. 


Exactly. What does taking one's shoes off in someone else's house have to do with believing in some supernatural being that eats little kids after sunset? How can you even compare the two? Of course I'd take my shoes off upon entering someone else's house, duh. It's the logical and rational thing to do. Staying inside so as not to get eaten by some local apparition in rags after 6pm, isn't. The point is, that the MC reacted like any logical human being when faced with some local monster legend. It's not like the whole world is in some fantasy setting so you'd expect strange shit happening at every corner. 


If you all also hate this so much, the solution is quite simple - move on and read something else that suits your tastes better. Like Keijo. Apparently, that's the "good kind of retarded". 

Nah, none whatsoever. You're right about respecting someone else beliefs or traditions. I don't know how respect = practicing them yourself. Plus, there's no comparison inbetween taking off your shoes, or even religion where religious and non-religious should respect each other despite having different beliefs, and actually believing a monster exists.

Wow, someones get's it!

you don't have to believe them but you atleast have to respect their beliefs and traditions. just because you believe something isn't logical, it doesn't mean you have the right to disrespect them especially since you're just a visitor.


what, if for example you're used to taking off footwear before entering your house and i visit you, just because i don't practice such an act in my own home, does it give me the right to disrespect your wishes and go in your house with my footwear on? food for thought.


Nah, none whatsoever. You're right about respecting someone else beliefs or traditions. I don't know how respect = practicing them yourself. Plus, there's no comparison inbetween taking off your shoes, or even religion where religious and non-religious should respect each other despite having different beliefs, and actually believing a monster exists. 

Right, cause if you go to a different town within your own country and they tell you "there are werewolves during lunch time". You're gonna immediately believe it right? Just maybe any normal person would think "yeah, right lol" 

you don't have to believe them but you atleast have to respect their beliefs and traditions. just because you believe something isn't logical, it doesn't mean you have the right to disrespect them especially since you're just a visitor.


what, if for example you're used to taking off footwear before entering your house and i visit you, just because i don't practice such an act in my own home, does it give me the right to disrespect your wishes and go in your house with my footwear on? food for thought.

i really hate the type of people that's similar to the MC. people who have no respect for the traditions of a place they're visiting. like seriously, even if you have doubts, if the locals who've lived there all their lives say don't do something, then don't fucking do it.


Right, cause if you go to a different town within your own country and they tell you "there are werewolves during lunch time". You're gonna immediately believe it right? Just maybe any normal person would think "yeah, right lol" 

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