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* * * * - (3.67 - 6votes)

Kare Kano Hajimemashita

Alt Names:
Author: Momoi Sumire
Artist: Momoi Sumire
Genres: Oneshot OneshotRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Oneshot.
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I concur. Tis quite shit. 

It's too...forced. She may be pretty and all, but this is too hard of an approach to the whole 'shy girl gets noticed' thing. I don't believe a guy like that would suddenly have feelings for a shy girl like that. Maybe, but it just doesn't feel like it could happen. The relationship feels rushed and there's no development. I understand it's a one-shot, but it's still possible to show how the heroine feels and how she goes about falling for this guy. And more importantly, why. It's too cliche and it's too un-relateable. When she was on the bridge and he got her phone, I just face-palmed. The author took a lazy approach to the 'prince charming' rescue moment that most shoujos tend to have. And then he says 'come here' and she falls from the bridge into his arms. Icing on the cake. Some scenes were cute, other cringeably cheesy. When I read a shoujo one-shot or just a shoujo manga in general, I want to feel mushy and go 'aww' when romance happens. Not face-palm and go 'why?'

Same opinion as Purple Library Guy. I didn't even get that cheesy feeling you get with many shoujos.

I think the main problem here is the build up of their relationship. There is no build up at all. We don't even know a damn about their past (and personalities) wich makes it even harder to relate to the characters. I wouldn't have minded a couple more pages for that purpose.


I might have enjoyed if I could have related to what the girl was going through.


Are many girls like that common in shoujo manga?


I understand what you're saying. And yes, girls like this are common in shoujo manga (based on the nine to ten shoujos i've read up til now).

Though I have to say that this girl is a small fry compared to the protagonists of many shoujos out there.

Can't put my finger on why, but I didn't like this.  I mean yeah, it's cliche and the plot is minimal, but I like lots of shoujo oneshots that are like that.  Just somehow, for all the heartbeats and standard shyness I didn't feel the love.

I might have enjoyed if I could have related to what the girl was going through.


Are many girls like that common in shoujo manga?

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