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Kainushi wa Akuma

Alt Names: alt 飼主は悪魔alt 饲主是恶魔alt My Owner's a Demon
Author: Kaji Eiri
Artist: Kaji Eiri
Genres: Comedy ComedyFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Most people love red hair. It's so vibrant and striking. But not our protagonist Nora. Many people in her village hate her because she has red hair because of an old legend in the village. Though some people hate her, she still pulls on. But her not -so-ordinary life might become mysterious and dangerous soon...in more ways than one?!
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The real mystery to be answered next chapter:  is the new character a girl or a guy?  It would be nice if it was a female character, there are way too many male characters right now.

Yes, now that he can touch women again, surely he'd be better as a "lay" brother.

Haha, that was a good ending.  I thought it was a little weird that he would want to do that, of course I am sure there is another way he could serve with the church.

Questo manga stupendo lo trovate tradotto in italiano su Manga cosmo

wish new chapter will release soon
Yay new chapter! I'm ALWAYS on the look out for this manga's next chapter. Thank you scanlaters!!
I'm sooo excited for this the chapter! This is one of the mangas I've been impatiently looking out for. Thank you scanlaters!!

hm, shouldn't "introverted" with "socially awkward" in ch. 13.1? Because being introverted does not mean that you can't talk to people or aren't able to properly express yourself.

It's kind of embarrassing to admit, but I just can't stop myself from squealing when reading some pages of this manga 

This conversation made me imagine a superhero story where someone gets super powers and wants to, you know, fight crime and stuff, so they get themselves an outfit and start patrolling the city and . . . nothing ever happens.  At most maybe once in a long while they come across a B&E in progress or a bar fight, but nobody ever fights back they're just like "Oh crap it's the superhero.  We surrender, didn't mean nothin', OK if I call my lawyer now?"  Once or twice significant underworld figures stop by for a chat when he's on break, and in careful hypothetical language explain that if they were engaged in any lawbreaking (which of course they are not) they would only be interested in fulfilling certain needs which are not met in the legal economy, and would have no interest whatsoever in offending the superhero, unearthing his secret identity, or ever, ever bothering anyone he was personally involved with.  Gang violence and shootouts always happen in places the superhero isn't, and he reads about them in the news like everyone else.

Superhero gets to know people on his rounds, the city gives him a stipend because his mere presence suppresses crime, and he hangs out, gets to know the best places for a coffee and a cinnamon bun, forms relationships, does a bit of charity work . . . quiet slice-of-life manga.

Yeah well, it's hard to make the shoujo demographic swallow a more "serious" type of fantasy/sci-fi/political drama/(insert any setting). I'm sure certain magasines have it better because diff mags equal diff readership base but it's still an "issue" if you're looking for something more "complex" a lot of the time.

I wouldn't necessarily say it that way. Shoujos are aimed at girls and female teenagers, so you can't expect a political thriller here - mostly. Most shoujos are focused on human relationships and it's drama or kitsch - lots of kitsch. Call it what you will. While the male oriented equivalent for shoujos - shounens - are more focused on james bond like action - namely tits, cliché villains and saving the world, while everything explodes around you.

Shoujos/shounens are written for teens and kids. You can't really make them 'swallow' 'serious' topics like Billy Bat. Storywise, they are mostly designed to be fluffy and easy to read. Thought that doesn't mean they don't contain any heavy stuff. Just the presentation of the story differs from the adult oriented managas.

Personally, I don't think there's necessarily anything better or more complex about the way shounen versions emphasize (often fairly nonsensical) action in such settings.  The shoujo way is just a different approach, a different convention.  Consider:  I've been walking around my city as an adult for 30 years, and in all that time I have never seen a robbery or even a mugging in progress.  So say I had some special power--would this inevitably lead to mayhem?  If you're in a superhero comic, apparently yeah, the moment you get any superpower you also get the mystical ability to happen to be there whenever something lawless and/or violent is going down, but that's just because it would be boring if Captain Slaughter just went to work as an accountant every day and nothing special ever happened to him.

Similarly, if I had some special power, would I decide to concentrate on that instead of my life, my personal relationships etc.?  Depends, but mostly no.

Personally, I find that the "plot sidestepping" happens quite often with a lot of the fantasy Shoujo that I read ;-;

Yeah well, it's hard to make the shoujo demographic swallow a more "serious" type of fantasy/sci-fi/political drama/(insert any setting). I'm sure certain magasines have it better because diff mags equal diff readership base but it's still an "issue" if you're looking for something more "complex" a lot of the time.

It's funny, the premise of this manga (girl has mysterious great power which she does not fully understand, powerful demon with a strange arrangement with the church takes her under his wing, as a team they fight other demons and stuff) seems like the kind of thing that would concentrate on plot quite a bit, and fairly dark plot at that.  Sorta Hellsing style or something, right?

But what we actually get is mostly comedy character-driven stuff, with the plot a bit of a sideshow.  Not that I mind, I just find it interesting the way it sidesteps what you'd expect to be happening.

Personally, I find that the "plot sidestepping" happens quite often with a lot of the fantasy Shoujo that I read ;-; So many have really interesting premises, but they focus on the romance/comedy portions without going too deep into uncovering the whole plot, and that the plot tends to resolve itself almost as a result of - or at least at the same time as - the (female) main character "getting" the guy of her choice.  Girl has super amazing powers?  Must just be for attracting guys and therefor she never needs to figure out how to use them properly, right?

    • Ada likes this

It's funny, the premise of this manga (girl has mysterious great power which she does not fully understand, powerful demon with a strange arrangement with the church takes her under his wing, as a team they fight other demons and stuff) seems like the kind of thing that would concentrate on plot quite a bit, and fairly dark plot at that.  Sorta Hellsing style or something, right?

But what we actually get is mostly comedy character-driven stuff, with the plot a bit of a sideshow.  Not that I mind, I just find it interesting the way it sidesteps what you'd expect to be happening.

I question if you actually look around at tags.
Also its probably the age of the manga that is more of the reason.


The business seinen tag is based on the manga link that's posted under the seinen comment so my guess is that it referred to that when the OP posted the comment.


I do like the serie and the other of this mangaka's works but the art takes some getting used to and the plot is also not that good but the humor is very nice so it makes up for the art and story.

Hmmm . . . well, from a quick look it would seem more hackneyed than it is, plus some people would be turned off by the art, which is stylized in a slightly different way from the currently-standard manga approach.


Yeah the art is different than most, plus the proportions are sometimes quite a mess.

Thanks for the new chapter!
I'm surprised this doesn't have more follows...

Hmmm . . . well, from a quick look it would seem more hackneyed than it is, plus some people would be turned off by the art, which is stylized in a slightly different way from the currently-standard manga approach.



I died.

Thanks for the new chapter!
I'm surprised this doesn't have more follows...

Too bad business seinen(s) are never translated because of the difficulty of language and the terminology.

I question if you actually look around at tags.
Also its probably the age of the manga that is more of the reason.

I love this manga.


Thanks for the scans, Phoenix Serenade.

Our MC is so easily manipulated by the Pope and Al, these guys are experts.


I also wonder when is she going to realize that she's like, an incredible beautiful and hot redhead.

Poor guy, he doesn't even have a chance.
Thanks for the new chapter.

Apropos of the office setting extras... I realize it's a bit behind-hand and all, but still, I recently noticed that almost any time you have a career woman in shoujo or josei, she is a secretary.  Or maybe a service industry person - like a bar owner, or a chef.  Occasionally a executive type, if it's talent or modeling.  That's a bit...  Don't you (assumedly female) mangaka want the girls reading your work to be inspired?  To aspire?  I'm not saying that these are bad positions, or that being in one of these positions makes one somehow subservient and lesser, I'm just saying that, as a trend, across the entire genre, it becomes disturbing...


Next time, how about if she's the work-a-holic and cold CEO and he's the genuinely warm-hearted and hard-working secretary?  Defrosting Ice Queen is a fun trope as well!


TL;DR - I'd like more girls doing it for themselves in girls comics.  And on that note, I leave you with: Princeless!

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