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* * * * - (3.85 - 61votes)

JC no Life

Alt Names: alt JCnoLife!alt Junior High School Girl's Story
Author: Engiyoshi
Artist: Engiyoshi
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Middle school girls talking about various things that can be interpreted in a lewd way.
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Volume 2 is available in Japanese! If only I could read moon runes... http://dc.dengeki.com/newreleases/978-4-04-893427-5/

Okay, what the fuck did she put in that cake?

Her """""Love"""""

PSA: This manga can make you feel the following:









Okay, what the fuck did she put in that cake?

An entire chapter of middle schoolers debating on whether to have someone cum inside or not. Truly a time to be alive.

That, or they're just talking about their part-time job at Christmas and whether it's better to be packing the cakes inside the shop, or selling them outside in the cold (which apparently pays better) :P

An entire chapter of middle schoolers debating on whether to have someone cum inside or not. Truly a time to be alive.

Second year of middle school. That's not lolicon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

That's why she was able to escape

hello, you all...


Second year of middle school. That's not lolicon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

hello, you all...


Ch. 10--"no life" indeed.

(Yes, I know that's not what it means, but c'mon)

What about chapter 8?

Their site says it's not "missing". That the short version is that this is the correct numbering and there is no chapter 8. There is no long version.

What about chapter 8?

I wasn't expecting this from this manga :(


this manga feels like came from H-doujin, and see it from E-perspective


So everyone besides Yun are bitches... And one of them is even pregnant...

This manga is subtly scary lol~


Also this :



The legendary buruma.

Wait. She DID have a rubber in her wallet in the end?

This manga is so subtle... (NOT!)

So everyone besides Yun are bitches... And one of them is even pregnant...

This manga is subtly scary lol~


Also this :



Bring back the old description you traitors

Yay, more middle school girls with huge tits mmm...~!

You are selling it ,I am buying it. 

Story about cute girls doing cute things and sometimes lewd things.

the description keeps changing every seconds

Best description I have ever seen in my life...

Satoo-kun lives quite the life eh.

why... this chapter is normal

it's not match with the description

5/7 description SeemsGood

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