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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.07 - 14votes)

Infinite 20 Minutes

Alt Names: alt 20 minutes infinies
Author: Nishi Uko
Artist: Nishi Uko
Genres: Oneshot OneshotYuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
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in her last couple years my late grandma used to tell everybody, and particularly the taxi drivers who took her to and from the hospital, about how she was being slowly killed by the cigarettes that she loved so much. even down to the size of the tumor and how it spread.


refilling the pack is still a cute trick though.

Oh no! CIGARETTES! I don't know anything about them except for the bullshit spewed by anti-smoking campaigns so I'm just going to complain about people slowly killing themselves with them!

Oh, give me a break.  I see a lot of people who think it's the height of cynical savvy to act like everything is equally BS, and the claims of altruistic grassroots groups with no financial gain to make should be taken as just as untrustworthy as the claims of marketers working for outfits with billions of dollars at stake in making you believe them.  It isn't so.  To the contrary, it's actually a naive attitude you get by giving up on trying to understand anything.  People lie because they have stuff to gain; people working on a shoestring or for nothing on causes they believe in, losing just by doing it, may often be wrong, but they are pretty much always sincere.  If most of the scientists are with them, their claims are about as close to knowable truth as you can get in our complex society.  If you want to be savvy and not naive, the first important step is not general world-weariness, it's:  When trying to find the truth, always remember to Follow The Money.


So in the present case, tobacco companies have massive bankrolls to lose if people stop smoking, and they have known it well for decades, and they have therefore spent millions on every form of lying they can invent or hire people to invent for them.  It is a testament to worthwhile normal people and scientists that despite all the disinformation big tobacco can muster, people are still on average gradually getting to understand the truth, which is that roughly 50% of everyone who smokes will eventually die from it in one way or another, usually slowly and unpleasantly, and many of the rest will have their quality of life significantly fucked up.  (And all of them will smell awful unless they take heroic countermeasures).

Aw, very cute!

Pretty cute... If only it wasn't cigs.


Can't help but feel a bit dejected that she's helping her lover slowly kill herself.



It's a pretty un-japanese thing to say considering how much they smoke, but I just have to say it.



Honestly, she's not really helping her to slowly kill herself. She would have smoked elsewhere anyway. All she is doing is choosing where she smokes. (Still don't like it that she is smoking, but whatever)

Oh no! CIGARETTES! I don't know anything about them except for the bullshit spewed by anti-smoking campaigns so I'm just going to complain about people slowly killing themselves with them!

Honestly, she's not really helping her to slowly kill herself. She would have smoked elsewhere anyway. All she is doing is choosing where she smokes. (Still don't like it that she is smoking, but whatever)

Pretty cute... If only it wasn't cigs.


Can't help but feel a bit dejected that she's helping her lover slowly kill herself.



It's a pretty un-japanese thing to say considering how much they smoke, but I just have to say it.

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