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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.26 - 19votes)

Ichikawa Haruko Sakuhinshuu

Alt Names: alt 25 Ji no Vacancesalt 25-Hour Vacation: Ichikawa Haruko Anthology II (2)alt 25-Ji no Vacancesalt 25Ji no Vacancesalt 25時のバカンスalt 25時のバカンス 市川春子作品集 2alt ヴァイオライトalt 虫と歌alt 虫と歌 市川春子作品集alt Haruko Ichikawa Sakuhinshuualt Insects and Songsalt Insects and Songs: Ichikawa Haruko Anthologyalt Mushi to Utaalt Tsuki no Soushikialt Vaioraitoalt 月の葬式
Author: Ichikawa Haruko
Artist: Ichikawa Haruko
Genres: Award Winning Award WinningSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Collection of oneshots.

V.1 - Mushi to Uta (Insects and Songs)
"The Lover of Stars", a story spelling out the writer’s feelings for the little sister born from his fingers. "The Hinoshita Siblings", a moving story about the relationship between a highschool baseball player with an injured shoulder and "Hina", who continues to grow. "Violite", which describes the meeting of two people involved in a plane accident. Finally, "Insects and Songs", a shocking work that won the Shikitaishou award. These four stories, painting a picture of a unique setting and the bonds between various lifeforms who live in it, are recorded here. This is the long awaited first volume released by a new author rapidly growing in popularity as each of her sensational stories are published in monthly "Afternoon" magazine!!

V.2 - 25-Ji no Vacances (25-Hour Vacation)
Marine biologist Nishi Otome takes time off and reunites with her brother, Kotaro, for the first time in a while. He sees her at the 25th hour of the night with shellfish taking over her body in “25 Hour Vacation”. The meeting between the delinquent, Nana, and a strange transfer student to “Pandora Women’s College” located on a satellite of Saturn is described in “On Pandora”. In “The Funeral of the Moon”, a genius highschooler begins living with a lone man in the deep snows of the north.
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These are amazing. After rereading all the chapters, I can't really choose a favorite anymore.

...Can anyone tell me what actuallly happened in Violight?

This completely details the events, so don't read it if you don't want an in depth explanation before reading it.


I really like this story. Quite well done. There's quite a bit of neat imagery.

I cried about a washer...

...Can anyone tell me what actuallly happened in Violight?

Yo, Insect songs was so...sad...


A good chapter. I like the theme of "alien lifeform improves someones life" that's employed here. The mangaka knows how to create this melancholic feel to the whole thing.

That's freaking beautiful, thank you for this! 

Elemhunter, thanks for those links! Those made things a little clear. I still don't know what the shit actually happened in Violight even with a few re-reads, so if anyone could explain, I'd appreciate it greatly.


Speaking of which, Star Lover has the type of sci-fi that is absolutely my kinda thing but hoo boy that's an overload to intake... I mean I love (fictional) clone ethics but nope

(Still, great read. This whole collection is pretty good. But I hope the remaining stories don't evade me in comprehension like Violight)

As weird and dreamlike as I would expect from the author of Houseki no Kuni.



Further reading/spoonfeeding that may or may not make it easier to understand, and may or may not be on the mark.


Needs a translator.

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