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I Am a Hero in Osaka

Alt Names: alt アイアムアヒーロー in OSAKA
Author: Hanazawa Kengo & Honda Yuuki
Artist: Honda Yuuki
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
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This is what you will get when you merge the Die Hard movie franchise with the Walking Dead series.

That sounds promising.

This is what you will get when you merge the Die Hard movie franchise with the Walking Dead series.

    • Nyu likes this

read the whole manga... typical movie-like story and such... but it's still nice in its form but not too great... this one is also not that bad, just not too great compare to other zombie-theme manga that i read(HoTD, IAAH)...

Wait, now that this is over there are still two things I don’t understand:



 the first one...
what it means i guess is that the dying dude want to kiss from the girl he likes (page5) but because of the kings game, the MC get the kiss, and the dying dude is jealous saying that he want to get the kiss, yet the MC got the kiss even though the MC has a girlfriend...

the second one...
i guess this airport is the famous floating airport in japan that floats on sea... as to why it destroy, maybe similar to the explosions at most buildings... big explosions= rupture of the platform(airport) causing water to get inside the floater of the airport(i guess... don't know how the airport float in the first place)...

Wait, now that this is over there are still two things I don’t understand:



im kinda happy this isn't like the main manga, the main manga is pretty depressing but this made you a bit happy at the end.

Reads more like a generic action flick than something remotely related to I am a Hero.

This may be vastly inferior to the original IAH, but I like it in its own fashion. Cheap thrills have their place beside depth and introspection, and in this case I'd rather the former when the parent manga is so powerful by itself.

This is just a short 7 chapters spinoff. As sssr said, it pales in comparison to the main series.

so we're only getting one more chapter?

Wow. I kind felt sorry for her. She's a good friend.

Playing it straight just doesn't work in this format.


Spinoff already? But the mainseries is still ongoing and has 2-3 Volumes up to chapter 230+ that are waiting to be translated. :o

probably the type of spinoff that the original author only supervising some parts to the spinoff's artist, so the quality is different.

This is just a short 7 chapters spinoff. As sssr said, it pales in comparison to the main series.

You've read the whole thing?


It took me a few chapters into "I am a Hero" before I followed it. I will check out a few chapters on this one before I potentially drop it.


No, that's the thing, though. With I am a Hero, it took ONE CHAPTER to get me engaged. That's it. Even before the whole zombie apocalypse started rolling around, the single undeveloped character, the world he lives in, and his troubles were enough to make me want to read more. It's a manga that could stand on its own without being a zombie manga. Heck, I was genuinely SURPRISED when I realized it was a zombie manga. Even went into denial for two chapters expecting a plot twist of some kind (which was easy given MC's character).


This manga is whoring out its zombies, and they're annoyingly bog-standard zombies. In I am a Hero, even the zombies are interesting. Hanazawa-sensei put a lot of effort to create individual zombies interesting enough for us to look at each one and at least think, "Huh... I wonder how THAT came about." 


More importantly, there's none of the straight-out-of-college-novel-writing-textbook "I'LL SAVE YOU OH THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!" BS going on. Everyone in I am a Hero is either an already messed up nihilist or an antisocial self-serving egotist. What passes for heroism there are just delusions of grandeur (especially on the part of MC). These are factors that make the manga great. Basically, zombie manga should stick with either fanservice (Highschool of the Dead, Gakkou Gurashi) or nihilism. You can then make a great story (Gakkou Gurashi, I am a Hero) or cool action (HotD) out of them. Playing it straight just doesn't work in this format.



Not a very good one. Way rushed and not enough character development. Also, movie-standard running zombies instead of the smarter "as fast as whatever the last thing they were doing had to be" zombies of the original. I still have fond memories of the housewife zombie who kept going to the grocery store even after death and the pole vaulter zombie who finally got where he needed to be.


You've read the whole thing?


It took me a few chapters into "I am a Hero" before I followed it. I will check out a few chapters on this one before I potentially drop it.

wait... is this manga has any connection to the 'i am a hero" manga by the same author?...




Not a very good one. Way rushed and not enough character development. Also, movie-standard running zombies instead of the smarter "as fast as whatever the last thing they were doing had to be" zombies of the original. I still have fond memories of the housewife zombie who kept going to the grocery store even after death and the pole vaulter zombie who finally got where he needed to be.

wait... is this manga has any connection to the 'i am a hero" manga by the same author?...

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