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Household Affairs

Alt Names: alt 그집, 사정alt The House, No Matter
Author: Butcherboy
Artist: Butcherboy
Genres: [no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ========Batoto Staff Notice=========
Chapters removed due to content
inappropriate for Batoto. Sorry.
========Staff Notice End==========
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World of Assassination?

You reap what you sow.


HAH! Get it? Sow?

Obviously not here or her husband would be dead in a ditch.

The plot dickens...

I might ship Lee Yu-Rang and Ha-ree. They're shippable.

midly abusive relationship

or maybe they just swing that way. You know, abusive sex.

I don't know how I feel about the masochist, 'notice me senpai!' girl yet.

She's a bitch too, lol. Arguably even worse than cheating wife since she's more psychotic, does murder for a living, and similarly wants the D. There are no good guys here. I guess some love yanderes too much to see that.

Oh wow... It is actually still going... I get my dose from Yomanga's but to know that this still going in Batoto is really surprising... XD

Damn.... he owned her there....

You reap what you sow.


HAH! Get it? Sow?

Because it's so wrong to get someone who remotedly cares about you, right? I mean, you must thing it's right for a husband to mistreat his wife the way he did (let's be honest, ignoring her most of the time, calling her a stupid woman? Or the way he had sex with her on one of the first chapter are signs of a midly abusive relationship).

That's now how you should live a life.

I know this hospital is company controlled, but are there no doctors, no nurses, no orderlies here? I don't know what this hospital is about, but a good 45 minutes have passed since the scene started and no one has been by to check on the recently stabbed man? Did they hear the struggle that just took place? How about the "struggle" that is now taking place? No? I'd reevaluate the company's investment here.

It is probably me just having a double standard, but while I have contempt for chicken guy banging another man's wife without the courage to own it, I mostly feel pity and a faint dislike for the wife. She is just as guilty as chicken guy for having sex behind her husband's back, but she seems in need for emotional attachment, which the husband is withholding. I don't know how I feel about the masochist, 'notice me senpai!' girl yet.

You reap what you sow.
HAH! Get it? Sow?

No, I don't get it...

Chicken guy did nothing wrong.

I think the wife is in the worst position right now because chickenguy won't take no for an answer, her husband's coworker wants her to die, and she'll probably die if she admits to cheating or divorces the husband. Poor woman :(


You reap what you sow.


HAH! Get it? Sow?

I feel bad for Ha-ree, and Si-yeon has completely turned into a whore where in the beginning she wanted to be loved, but now she desires something purely carnal.

The sex between Si-yeon and Ha-jin in the hospital bed could work as an 'explanation' for when Si-yeon gets pregnant, but actually, she's already pregnant with the chicken dude's child. This is fucked up.

All I want from this series, at the end, is for the chicken guy to die. That is the only thing that would satisfy me.

I think it's more than that. She only wants to have sex with people who actually want/love her, and chickenguy came on to her so strong when her husband was ignoring her that she gave in to him. It sounds like in the latest chapter that the husband has purposely been withholding sex and affection because he didn't want to deal with it, and even a few chapters ago choked her when she admitted to cheating until she recanted.


I think the wife is in the worst position right now because chickenguy won't take no for an answer, her husband's coworker wants her to die, and she'll probably die if she admits to cheating or divorces the husband. Poor woman :( 

I feel bad for Ha-ree, and Si-yeon has completely turned into a whore where in the beginning she wanted to be loved, but now she desires something purely carnal.

The sex between Si-yeon and Ha-jin in the hospital bed could work as an 'explanation' for when Si-yeon gets pregnant, but actually, she's already pregnant with the chicken dude's child. This is fucked up.

All I want from this series, at the end, is for the chicken guy to die. That is the only thing that would satisfy me.

The wife gets pregnant.

The husband being ordered to dispose of her.

The husband fakes her death then let her run away with chicken guy.

The husband continues his job as assassin.

They live happy ever after.





What? dont argee? oh ok

The chicken guy got killed by the husband who then got killed because of his wife who then got killed by the mad girl who then got kill by her organization which then got killed by the... END.


Well i won't say no to him, but he didn't know about her having husband. Despite learning of that fact he didn't stop, quite opposite he was being more aggressive. He has that strange behaviour of wanting to dominate/steal the woman. Kind of scumbag if you were to ask me. Ofc wife isn't any better. Latest chapter really shows it, even if she's done it with him in order to get rid of him, she still was feeling pretty fricking good about it. 


I just hope that in the end husband won't do a complete 180 degrees and start loving his wife and act like everything didn't happen.


I don't know why people think 'she did it to get rid of him' makes it any better. That is the best example of grasping for straws I've ever seen. IMO it makes it worse because she's playing both guys so hard then.


That said, she flat out gave in to him. Once she started thinking he had feelings for her she got super turned on and gave in to desire despite her earlier concern about her husband. She even went the extra step and let him know her name, which adds some significance. It was obvious that her true nature is one of a greedy woman that wants both men. She was incredibly happy getting pounded, there was nothing fake about it. She just wanted him to 'hurry' so they wouldn't be caught and she could continue her lifestyle. If that isn't an impure motive then I don't know what is.


Besides, she has the strength to bluff about cheating but not to send away the boy? She totally wanted the sex and admitted it to herself during the scene. A lot of this character's thought/intentions are really just bs and exist on the surface only. Deep down she's always doing what she wants.


 This is what everyone pretty much assumes. You can't control life if you end up getting lied to by a cheating slut. Shit is tragic and what will be even more tragic are the white knights who will say she's doing it for the baby/to survive so it's ok.


I would be all for this if Ha-Jin somehow makes it out of the whole mess in the end. I think the 'you can't control life' bit refers more to him developing feelings for his 'cover' which already seems to be in motion. Paternity fraud just adds another layer of out of control scumminess, especially if he dies for it.


Paternity Fraud is about the most fucked up thing you can do to a child/husband. I'd rather die than waste my life/future/resources/lineage caring for another guys offspring. It's just too fucking cruel to all parties involved. Especially if it comes to light after a bond has already been formed. Brutal.

By the power of semen the house wife somehow fights off the assassin women.

Why do so many people hate the chicken guy, he is just a normal dude who got seduced.

Well i won't say no to him, but he didn't know about her having husband. Despite learning of that fact he didn't stop, quite opposite he was being more aggressive. He has that strange behaviour of wanting to dominate/steal the woman. Kind of scumbag if you were to ask me. Ofc wife isn't any better. Latest chapter really shows it, even if she's done it with him in order to get rid of him, she still was feeling pretty fricking good about it. 


I just hope that in the end husband won't do a complete 180 degrees and start loving his wife and act like everything didn't happen.

Why do so many people hate the chicken guy, he is just a normal dude who got seduced.

Those who want the chicken guy get cold-blooded murder by the husband raise your likes here!!



lol this is the best way the series can go. You've got a damn good and healthy imagination - let's see if this manhwa turns out like this

When you're flipped so hard your panties change colour between panels. 

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