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Hone No Nazuki Made Aisu

Alt Names:
Author: Awayuki
Artist: Awayuki
Genres: Psychological PsychologicalWebtoon WebtoonYuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
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Evil smirking girls all over the place in this one, here :D Interestingly dark! : )

oh boy another update!

What's the source for this manga anyways. I want to read more of it.

The greeks were fine with fucking boys, not homosexuality - they still did it, everyone knew, but they kept it on the down lown


I believe it's a good deal more complicated than that--insofar as I understand (and it's hard to know for sure given how much people tend to reinterpret), in a lot of both ancient greek and roman society, being... um... an "uke" was considered pretty unmanly and possibly disgraceful (certainly a bit abnormal at any rate), yet liking men in general was considered pretty normal.


Either way I'm not aware that it was ever considered a "crime" or a "sin against god(s)", so going by that in comparison to, say, the past 100 years of modern society (Alan Turing nooooooo~)--yes, they were completely fine with it.




TL;DR: Greece and Rome thought semes were cooler than uke's, but really basically everyone was into shoutas (Have I mentioned that sometimes I'm really glad I grew up in modern times?).

Who tf died and made you the arbiter of what love is. 

People use the word love to descrive wildly diferent things. modern romance has litle, if anything to do wih "love" as described in clasical literature - maybe this is what that other mate was referencing.


and yea these people do seem somewhat warped in their behavior

I would advise all to not insert one's sexual organs, or any other potentially precious piece of anatomy/object for that matter, into the mentally disturbed

It's funny that you're quoting the ancient greece concept of love even though the ancient greek were completely fine with homosexuality.

The greeks were fine with fucking boys, not homosexuality - they still did it, everyone knew, but they kept it on the down lown

Because love is a trinity itself (Agape,Philia and Eros), only people who don't defy society and morality can really love, and homosexuals can't do this because they defy society and morality with their same-sex doctrine.

It's funny that you're quoting the ancient greece concept of love even though the ancient greek were completely fine with homosexuality.

Yandere yandering one each other hmm. Let's follow !

She may have gotten herself a little more than she can handle with this

Basically both characters have a warped and totally wrong concept of love (starting from the point where they believe that love is possible between two women...

...only people who don't defy society and morality can really love, and homosexuals can't do this because they defy society and morality with their same-sex doctrine.

Who tf died and made you the arbiter of what love is. Love is a subjective concept that takes many forms (which, btw, is the purpose of concepts like Philia or Agape).

Furthermore whose society? whose morality? Love of god (i.e. Agape) goes against most communist societies that have existed. While love for those of another race has gone against the morality of many racist societies. Are these less valid because of this? 

You don't have the objective truth about the nature of love, you have an opinion like everyone else.

Because love is a trinity itself (Agape,Philia and Eros), only people who don't defy society and morality can really love, and homosexuals can't do this because they defy society and morality with their same-sex doctrine.

That's the japs. They don't think gays is immoral. I think women are more opressed class in Japan, than gays.

It's not yandere, where the heck is the dere?

If at all she could be yangire (meaning she's aggressively stalking and violent), but I doubt that.


Basically both characters have a warped and totally wrong concept of love (starting from the point where they believe that love is possible between two women to the point where one is obsessive and the other one is superficial), extreme cases of paraphilia...


Because love is a trinity itself (Agape,Philia and Eros), only people who don't defy society and morality can really love, and homosexuals can't do this because they defy society and morality with their same-sex doctrine.

It's too strong to be shoujo ai, so i tink the yuri tag is more applicable

yandere is in-sane.
In-Sane: Sanely in (love)

 I have to wonder just what she did to become pretty. After all, a yandere is insane.

I am not a woman, so I may be mistaken, but, in general, women don't need to kill someone to become pretty. Some just have to grow up, just containing a semi-healthy life, some have to make effort. But that involves working on yourself, not stabbing somebody.

I love yanderes!

While Cold-Hearted at least the MC is honest about it.


Yeah that's really brutal honesty. I'm not sure if I really like that, or think the MC cruel.

The yandere girl has inhuman-looking eyes, orange with white (glowing?) pupils. I wonder if it's a visual hint at just how far gone she is, or with that and the sinister cover art, does it imply that she has 'come back' in more than one way?

EDIT: Come to think of it, the way Yandere is posed on the cover art is often used for an evil spirit possessing someone (wrapped around and leaning over the person's shoulder in an, uh, possessive pose.) I have to wonder just what she did to become pretty. After all, a yandere is insane.

While Cold-Hearted at least the MC is honest about it.

Yandere+Yuri = Followed Button

FFFFFFFFFFirsto! -insert wryyyyy meme-

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