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* * * * * (4.64 - 36votes)

Himouto! Umaru-chan S

Alt Names:
Author: Sankaku Head
Artist: Sankaku Head
Genres: Comedy Comedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A spin-off of Himouto! Umaru-chan by the author. Released on Nico Nico Douga
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We're back in 2014! Ika Musume is still ongoing with their eternal summer and we still have 4 years before Batoto is going down! Woooo!

Never thought that this project continues near the end of Batoto.

4 days for a 1 year delay :(

Eehhh!!?it won't continued???Eehhh!!!??really??


what a waste...

so... in the RPG world, Ebina is living together with Onii-chan...


PS: power of moe-sleep is OP, nerf plz.

Oniisan-Ebina Ship is strong in this one.


Also, from 4200 yen to 1 yen. Really? Why don't give it out for free then? HaHa.

Did I just see that next update in 7/3 or Tomorrow mmm...~?

Well I'm ready to see more Chibi Ebina-chan mmm...~!

"Ebina-chan has found happiness in this world" :batoto_022:

She VERY MUCH DESERVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!! I mean IT!!!!i_approve_by_theresonly1cryo-d7fqge8.png

"Ebina-chan has found happiness in this world" :batoto_022:




OMG. I want an RPG story with Umaru from seeing that.

OTP confirmed

True happiness is when you see Ebina-chan blushing because of Onii-chan mmm...

Sorry for the delay with this chapter. I'll try to change the release frequency to once a day as compensation.


Ebi-copter just destroyed my heart.


This series needs to be renamed to Ebimoe


Cause she's by far way better than the actual main character


Ebina sells.

Himono (干物). Literally, dried fish. ... Also, the term seems to come from a manga called Hotaru no Hikari (The light of the firefly/The light of Hotaru), and is used to refer to its main character.

If it helps, in Hotaru no Hikari the main character acts as a fashionable and put together feminine woman in public, but at home is a lazy bum who drinks beer and reads manga all day. (Also over the age of 25 and still single which, as we all know, is an absolute travesty.)

This is supposed to be a bad thing since apparently a woman's pride is to be beautiful, graceful, domestic, and love/marriage-focused (according to all the manga I've read).

Also this manga is a josei, while incredibly funny, is probably not most of himouto's readers' cup of tea. Fair warning in case anyone was gonna look it up.

And what does Himono stand for?

Himono (干物). Literally, dried fish. More generally, things that are left to dry in the sun.

Himono onna (干物女). Literally, a woman that has given up love. Usually, because it's a bother.


That's what my dictionary tells me. But from what I can gather all over the internet, the term has quite a broader meaning when referring to a woman. It refers to a woman that is apparently normal, but that doesn't do anything she finds bothersome and she can avoid. The Japanese wikipedia gives a few hints to identify this kind of woman:

  • Replies mails after a long time, if at all, and with short answers.
  • Eats while standing in the kitchen if the food is easy to eat.
  • When forgetting something inside, would walk on her knees instead of taking of her shoes.
  • Doesn't wear makeup nor bras at home.
  • Doesn't go to beauty parlors more than twice a year.
  • Doesn't shave her legs or anything else in winter.
  • Goes alone into bars.
  • Lately, her heart doesn't race for anything.

Also, the term seems to come from a manga called Hotaru no Hikari (The light of the firefly/The light of Hotaru), and is used to refer to its main character.


I hope this helps.


And what does Himono stand for?

That Ebi-copter is gonna kill me, SO MOE mmm...~!

My heart can't take this...

It's like they found a way to put more moe onto moe by having them all turn into Matriesse mode. XD

"You're not a computer today are you?"


lol'd. Marry me Ebina. :(

Ebina is godly funny, best waiifu ever.



I yield!!!!!

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