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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.75 - 4votes)

Heart Gifts

Alt Names: alt ハートのおくりものalt Heart of Gift
Author: 20Twenty (Match)
Artist: 20Twenty (Match)
Genres: Comedy ComedyDoujinshi DoujinshiShoujo Ai Shoujo Ai
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A girl gives her heart to save her friend and receives a mechanical heart in its place, what becomes the fate of these two?
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there are no assurances in this life

This was left today, what are the chances

We're almost assuredly never going to get an explanation of why they didn't just give the mechanical heart to the ill-girl


there are no assurances in this life

So her dad is a member of some Jehovah's Witnesses-like group that rejects mechanical organs.


Anyway, i'm glad the two were able to confess their feelings for each other.

To me, the premise doesn't matter as long as it's cute!

I agree. HIPAA has no place here.

To me, the premise doesn't matter as long as it's cute!

I'm generally fond of absurd premises (I do read manga, after all) and my suspension of disbelief is generally quite resilient. But this is just too much for me. I have questions.
What are these doctors? Where did they train? What are they smoking? How high do you have to be to say "yes" when a perfectly fine patient wants to have their heart removed--and, while we're at it, how do you operate on someone when you are that impaired?

why monitor eah other's heart rates? isn't that a gross violation of privacy? what about their own?

We're almost assuredly never going to get an explanation of why they didn't just give the mechanical heart to the ill-girl, BUT.  If part of her general illnesses were some sort of auto-immune disease or something similar, then there may have been fears that her body would have Rejected the mechanical heart.  Throw in the friend being a compatible donor with a healthy body and that could potentially mean that she would have been more compatible with her friend's heart than the mechanical heart.


But naw its just so they can have a reason for why they both now have Smartphone Apps capable of monitoring the other's Heart Rate.

Why they didn't give a mechanical heart to ill girl in the first place? What parent would consent to that kind of surgey?

I'm generally fond of absurd premises (I do read manga, after all) and my suspension of disbelief is generally quite resilient. But this is just too much for me. I have questions.


What are these doctors? Where did they train? What are they smoking? How high do you have to be to say "yes" when a perfectly fine patient wants to have their heart removed--and, while we're at it, how do you operate on someone when you are that impaired?

This is good. I'm following this story.

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