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Hatarakanai Futari [webcomic]

Alt Names: alt A Jobless Duoalt 働かないふたりalt Brother and Sister Who Don't Workalt Siblings, Unemployed
Author: Karashi Color
Artist: Karashi Color
Genres: Slice of Life Slice of LifeWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A slice-of-life story about 'life-less' Brother and sister, both jobless shut-ins.

from http://karashicolor.blog91.fc2.com/
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Bullshit. The "Карарчарово-Чухлинка" chapter from "Москва-Петушки" is even shorter. Even if translated to English.

I ship them

So which magazine is this being published in now?

The web release version of HF began to get serialized: http://www.kurage-bunch.com/manga/hatarakanai_futari/

So which magazine is this being published in now?

2 practical reasons:

First, the author deleted all their webcomics from his blog. So no raw for me.

Second, I was considering picking up the serialization, but it was a weekly so I decided to drop it. A weekly is too stressful for me.

Thank you for the effort you put into it.  I did really like the manga though. Right now it would be good to be a native speaker.

Nope. Heisemberg and Schrodinger don't agree with you.

Did you actually mean to say Born instead of Schrödinger? I thought the latter had some reservations on regarding these things as probabilistic (hence, presenting the cat paradox)

I'm confused, why are you dropping it if it's just being published on a different site?

2 practical reasons:
First, the author deleted all their webcomics from his blog. So no raw for me.
Second, I was considering picking up the serialization, but it was a weekly so I decided to drop it. A weekly is too stressful for me.

So is it being serialized in a magazine or is it just on a new site? (the one mentioned at the end of ch.17)

It looks like it's been completely re-done.

Now who will be the hero that picks up the new version???

Nope. Heisemberg and Schrodinger don't agree with you. At atomic and specially at subatomic level, there's NO certainty. You could argue that at macroscopic level that doesn't matters, but the 'will' of a person is not a macroscopic event, it's an very complex interaction between chemicals. The opportune disintegration of a potassium 40 atom can tip the balance in a  tied decision.

True enough.  On the other hand, I'm not sure lack of predestination due to randomness really makes will any more free.  If I can't be predicted, but it's only because I'm ruled by coin tosses, that's not freedom either.  In fact, I might want to claim that being predictable doesn't make me un-free either.  Say I have a very strong sense of honour.  Someone tries to bribe me to a dishonourable course of action.  If you know me, you can readily predict that I will tell them to go to Hell.  Is this because I lack free will?  No, it's because I choose to exercise it in certain ways according to my values.

I really thank you for your work but nigga, moon isn't gonna translate itself ain't it?

I'm confused, why are you dropping it if it's just being published on a different site?

He/she got serialized? Good for him/her!

Ohh, so the autor got a serialization... dis gonna be gud.


Well the real question is do you believe in free will. From a scientific standpoint no human has free will. Every action that has happened in the entirety of reality in some way shape or form has an influence on the universe and yourself in it. Thus if one knows all aspects of reality they would know what choice you would make as its already been determined what choice you would make at any given time.

Nope. Heisemberg and Schrodinger don't agree with you. At atomic and specially at subatomic level, there's NO certainty. You could argue that at macroscopic level that doesn't matters, but the 'will' of a person is not a macroscopic event, it's an very complex interaction between chemicals. The opportune disintegration of a potassium 40 atom can tip the balance in a  tied decision.

Well the real question is do you believe in free will. From a scientific standpoint no human has free will. Every action that has happened in the entirety of reality in some way shape or form has an influence on the universe and yourself in it. Thus if one knows all aspects of reality they would know what choice you would make as its already been determined what choice you would make at any given time.


No, I actually completely agree with that. I was defining "free will" as "perceiving a choice, wanting Option A, and then doing Option A".

(my wants may be controlled by external circumstances up to and including the big bang)
(but i still have them)
(they are things i want)

However, here's a snag:

(tldr alert)

There are two ways to possibly reconcile the "there is no free will" theory and the "everyone has a niche" theory:

(this gets confusing)

"Everyone has a place in this world and a thing they can do to contribute to it, and they want to do that thing"...

(a ludicrous untruth imho)

... or "Everyone has a place in this world and a thing they can do to contribute to it, but some are predestined to do it reluctantly".

(that just makes the world seem really depressing)

That kind of gives us 3 options:

(i may have missed some)

     1. Believe in free will

(im kind of afraid to)

     2. Disbelieve that we all have a place in this world

(more afraid of this one)

     3. Believe certain people were put on this Earth to be miserable and then die
(can i believe in free will instead)

Personally, I believe the second one. We don't all have a niche, but maybe we can carve them out for ourselves?

(seems the most hopeful and the least self delusional)
So that's what I'm trying to do.

(community college in the spring)

(lets see how that goes)

(yes itll mean i wont be a shut in anymore)

『that's from a quantum physics standpoint.... from a biologic standpoint your choices are based upon a weighted scale of how much something is beneficial to you, influenced by chemicals and hormones and several other things which could produce varied results...』


Now we know why some people hate on science as a belief - coz they hear one thing they do not like and classify it as the whole belief and stop trying to learn more about the whole subject...

Well the real question is do you believe in free will. From a scientific standpoint no human has free will. Every action that has happened in the entirety of reality in some way shape or form has an influence on the universe and yourself in it. Thus if one knows all aspects of reality they would know what choice you would make as its already been determined what choice you would make at any given time.

『that's from a quantum physics standpoint.... from a biologic standpoint your choices are based upon a weighted scale of how much something is beneficial to you, influenced by chemicals and hormones and several other things which could produce varied results...』



Yeah, true true.


I get that ALL the time.
(the why not study something question)
See, I recently flunked out of business school.
(for some reason people thought)
(that though i fail to understand people)
(id be able to understand large groups of people)

Maybe I'm naïve, but I can't really see how everyone is born to fit perfectly somewhere in the world.

(does each person have a niche)

If everyone were, it would raise some difficult philosophical questions.
(are we predestined to fill them)
Would our only opportunity to demonstrate "free will" be to reject our place?
If so, what do we do then?


Well the real question is do you believe in free will. From a scientific standpoint no human has free will. Every action that has happened in the entirety of reality in some way shape or form has an influence on the universe and yourself in it. Thus if one knows all aspects of reality they would know what choice you would make as its already been determined what choice you would make at any given time.

I wouldn't discard this option so easily, though. I mean, I almost did, it seemed as futile as anything else, but I was entitled to one more year of student discounts so I gave IT a shot and it really saved me.

Chapter 15 is simply genius, lol. Even the mother got owned haha

if this gets serialized, i'll be happy man

the web release version of HF began to get serialized: http://www.kurage-bunch.com/manga/hatarakanai_futari/

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