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* * * * - (4.11 - 18votes)

Haruka 17

Alt Names: alt はるか17alt 蜜桃17alt Haruka Seventeenalt Haruka17
Author: Yamazaki Sayaka
Artist: Yamazaki Sayaka
Genres: Drama DramaSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Miyamae Haruka, 22, is a soon-to-be graduate and at first glance a very unremarkable looking young woman. No one will even stop to help her up when she falls and each time she applies for a job, she's blithely passed over. Things are getting desperate and if Haruka cannot get a job soon, she may become known as a jobless university graduate -- a very unenviable title for any young graduate to bear.

So Haruka decides to lower her expectations. She goes to apply for a job she found on an ad and is shocked by how flippant the interview is. Little does she know, the job she really wanted is already taken and she is now interviewing for a spot as the newest idol... who is supposed to be 17 years old!

And so begins the birth of a new idol, Haruka 17, and follows the adventures and ordeals Haruka must go through as her star rises. She discovers that the world of an idol can be sleazy, terrifying, and a cruel competition. With the positive and negative relationships she develops with the other people around her, she begins to discover herself as well.


Haruka is about to graduate from a first-rate college and is looking for work but no one wants to hire her. Faced with the prospect of becoming a "shuushoku rounin" she finally lowers her expectations and decides to apply at a tiny talent agency for a job as an agent. When she shows up for the interview however, it's like no interview she's ever had before. She's asked all sorts of embarrasing questions and asked to say lines in front of a camera.

Later she finds out that they thought she was interviewing to become a talent, and the agent position she wanted has already been given away. However, they think she has that special quality that can make someone a star. She refuses at first, but finally gives in. Thus starts Haruka's career in the entertainment industry.
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NIce to see some regular updates back. Read the raws a long time ago, but it'll be nice seeing everything now.

Thanks for translating! I was thinking about this series a little while back and wondering whether English language releases would ever come back.

I deleted my release.
Another group is picking up Haruka and has invested far more effort into it than me, so I'll be helping them out with proofreading and redrawing. They'll be rereleasing chapter 42 with a more accurate translation, so don't panic.

I'm still happy you did it, it feels like you started the series up again, so thanks.

I deleted my release.


Another group is picking up Haruka and has invested far more effort into it than me, so I'll be helping them out with proofreading and redrawing. They'll be rereleasing chapter 42 with a more accurate translation, so don't panic.

I kinda feel bad for Yuri, even if she is a bitch.

holy shit -ty Korean translator.

YES AN UPDATE! Just as we begin hitting the five year mark it returns! 

This is the sh*t, happy new years SKT and everyone!

holy shit thank you for picking this up.

I hate manga like this... It's always with scanlation progressed midway and tons of released volumes which I end up buying, because I can't stop reading. Ok, I don't hate it but my wallet does.

I want to see this finished! Pretty good progression!



We have barely just begun!


can't be help it...... i will reread the manga again, i guesss.......

The drama shown it has 7 volumes......... just 2 more volumes, plzzzzzz............


I don't think there are any other better idol related manga then this one....... i mean strictly idol and not singers..... it is realistic......


uhuuuuu.... is dis manga gt dropped????please, no......

Looking at the cover, I thought this is another random ecchi manga.

By chapter 3, I realize why is there 'seinen' on the tag. Wow, some serious stuff here..

Thanks for the update, Death Toll!

OH! It's been a while.
Thanks for the update!
Actually not a bad read... Will follow...

@MidKidz - How good/bad is the live-action? Japanese live-action has a tendency to be a little over-dramatic or have over-reactive expressions...
Sweet. An update! :)
I wish for future updates thank you DTS.
BakaBT has the TV series up and it's a good watch but instead of the gritty look into the entertainment industry that this is, it's basically a live action Family Guy.
boy oh boy y is this too overdramatic? The entire Japan media entertainment is controlled by a single company? It's kinda annoying to see the heroine is on a COMPLETELY losing side. I'd prefer both sides be a bit more... balanced? Or perhaps a variety of opposition, tired of everywhere they go, it's always Finepro this Finepro that.... At least this portrays IRL in a rather convincing way: People who sacrificed everything for success like Mina got f***ed in the butt while picky taking-things-for-granted brats like Haruka hog all the fame.
Fukuhara was epic in the last chapter.
thank god finally mina will be happy..

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