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Hana Haru

Alt Names: alt 하나의 하루
Author: Seok Woo
Artist: Seok Woo
Genres: Drama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo ShoujoSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A werewolf love for a human girl In a cold winter, little girl Hana and her family found a boy covered in blood, the boy is a werewolf baby. They picked up the boy, named him Haru, treated him and accepted him as a family member. A human girl and a werewolf boy who grew up over time. From now on their story begins.

Raw: http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=694805
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To everyone who is wondering why most of the chapters have been deleted:
Snow Flower Scanlations and Mugen Shoujo decided to take down the chapters they've released, because Hana Haru is being translated by LINE Webtoons now. That's why they would appreciate it if you read the official releases on the link under this sentence. ^^ And please support the author in any way possible!


NOOO!!  Haru please communicate properly.  "Hey I saw that girl get grabbed by her hair, that's messed up"  This is a made up nonsense problem because he couldn't calm down enough to say something important.  


True fact: 99.9% of all drama in shoujo is caused by stupid miscommunication.

Oh ma... those poor guys can't catch a break.... This is not going to go well.

NOOO!!  Haru please communicate properly.  "Hey I saw that girl get grabbed by her hair, that's messed up"  This is a made up nonsense problem because he couldn't calm down enough to say something important.  

I looooove this story, can't wait for the next update!!

Sunbae is definitely mean and psycho but he's got the power advantage. I have a feeling Haru and/or Hana will eventually have to be saved by Hook interfering and turning on his master.

to hana, haru is just a brother, and sure you can say that you dont kiss your brothers..

And a little brother you boss around, at that.  Their relative status really doesn't help her take him seriously.

the authors really painting haru in a sympathetic light we're getting most of this from his perspective and not so much from hana's.. something about how they didn't actually show the kiss at the end of the chapter makes me doubt there even was one, I've seen webtoons/drama's do this, end on a cliffhanger for several chapters, making things frustrating.. only to find out later it was a misunderstanding or a forced kiss

alot of people feel frustrated with hana, but honestly.. if you've grown up along side someone, had baths together, had your diapers changed together, played together, fought together. It would be hard to see that person as anything but "family"  Haru it kind of stuck, and its not hana's fault. She's not going to change her perception of him until he makes it clear to her that he romantically loves her.

to hana, haru is just a brother, and sure you can say that you dont kiss your brothers..
but I feel she kissed him more out of just a 'childlike' curiosity than out of any desire to hurt haru, she didn't feel like there was anything "wrong" with it because its unthinkable that that would be any romantic context in any way between family in the first place, not like there would be with a boyfriend

she gives haru kisses on the cheek all the time and even that wouldn't be considered "normal" between some families. I know I don't do that with my siblings or even parents unless its a special occasion, we mostly just cuss, and avoid each other lol now I'm jealous


Idk just adding my 2 cents on this from hana's perspective so we see where shes coming from and have a better understanding. She is one of the main leads after all & we all know their going to be the end game

Agreed. I think Hana cares for Haru immensely. I can see why she would only think of him as a brother. It's hard to change your perspective when you grew up with it. I don't blame Hana for fantasizing about Sunbae, she is a teen girl and he is her first boyfriend. Even then, she wouldn't stop talking about haru to him. The only thing that she did was stupid was that she kissed Haru on the lips. That...you shouldn't do that just to "practice". 

Hana is retarded and Haru is the king of betas. Can't see myself keep reading this for much longer.

I hate myself for reading this soap opera equivalent, but now that I started I can't stop in the middle of it.

the authors really painting haru in a sympathetic light we're getting most of this from his perspective and not so much from hana's.. something about how they didn't actually show the kiss at the end of the chapter makes me doubt there even was one, I've seen webtoons/drama's do this, end on a cliffhanger for several chapters, making things frustrating.. only to find out later it was a misunderstanding or a forced kiss

alot of people feel frustrated with hana, but honestly.. if you've grown up along side someone, had baths together, had your diapers changed together, played together, fought together. It would be hard to see that person as anything but "family"  Haru it kind of stuck, and its not hana's fault. She's not going to change her perception of him until he makes it clear to her that he romantically loves her.

to hana, haru is just a brother, and sure you can say that you dont kiss your brothers..
but I feel she kissed him more out of just a 'childlike' curiosity than out of any desire to hurt haru, she didn't feel like there was anything "wrong" with it because its unthinkable that that would be any romantic context in any way between family in the first place, not like there would be with a boyfriend

she gives haru kisses on the cheek all the time and even that wouldn't be considered "normal" between some families. I know I don't do that with my siblings or even parents unless its a special occasion, we mostly just cuss, and avoid each other lol now I'm jealous


Idk just adding my 2 cents on this from hana's perspective so we see where shes coming from and have a better understanding. She is one of the main leads after all & we all know their going to be the end game

The girl is so stupid ew..
The way he talked to haru he's an awful guy. She's stupid for not realizing.
I wonder if we'll get some back story on Senpai, like maybe dealing with manipulators and attackers going after him for his family's money made him jaded. Also you could work in Hook's backstory, could be he lost his eye shielding his master when they were kids.

Hmmmmmm, I wouldn't call it bestiality. They are 90% human. The only thing that probably makes them different is their ears and when they can turn into wearwolves. 

Why am I surprised that sunbae is a bad guy? He is the second main male character on a manwha (I don't know how to write this) so of course he is not a good person.


But I don't think bestiality is a thing in this world so...


As we can see, money solves ALOT of issues.
And likely, the extra witnesses might be useful as well.

Next best thing after plot armor: money armor

Oh dear.  The problem here is that


We got trouble.

As we can see, money solves ALOT of issues.


And likely, the extra witnesses might be useful as well.

Oh dear.  The problem here is that


We got trouble.

HOW DARE THEY!!! Time to bust out the torches and pitchforks!!!

Those bastards at the end deserve everything that happens to them...

Is it just me or do they look more attractive in the semi-transformed state? Or maybe its just the intense expressions XD

Although I know the girl is kinda dense and oblivious (if not ignorant and naive), Haru at least get to have good time with her before the other guy. Although it's to the expense of him suffering because he knows he needs to restrain his self, when he looks back into the future, I can imagine him to sneer or smile that he at least had her "first" moment and not taken by the other guy.


Ahhh, this insensitive moron girl!

Escalation about to occur???

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