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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.08 - 26votes)

Goodbye, Everybody

Alt Names: alt さよーならみなさんalt Sayonara Minasan
Author: Nishimura Tsuchika
Artist: Nishimura Tsuchika
Genres: Drama DramaJosei JoseiPsychological Psychological
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A woman gets fired from her job after refusing to go on a date with her boss.
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What manner of insanity was this...

Wow, she found the ultimate creep. Time for her to learn how to ride that bike so she can ride away forever and never come back. 

Well okay then. I don't really get this but it was interesting? Thanks for the scans M3OW!!!

what? WHAT??? 

Professor Kato, A.K.A. Professor Parcours.

I dig it.

i dont no anything

no wonder it's 'good bye everybody'. kimura have to deal with the weirdo of 'everybody'.

The creeps just keep escalating! 

Kimura is such a weirdo-magnet. Thanks for the note at the end! I was wondering what book that guy was lifting his words and actions from. Gross. The guy, not the book.

Never read Ningen Shikoku myself but just from the synopsis I know that is a masterpiece mmm...

The art in this is cool and unique, I like it! Followed

so does it means all of this only on her mind?

Nah it's all real... Or is it?!

Love chapter 5 because of Nincompoop mmm...

Knew it I made the right decision there. d^_^

Love chapter 5 because of Nincompoop mmm...

so does it means all of this only on her mind?

Aaah, psychological work, or what i like to call them "the whatthefucks".

Chapter 4 is unexpectedly funny mmm...

It's like every uncomfortable moment you can have jumbled into one ball of smudged memories.

Thanks M3OW for translating this, i really enjoyed it. The artwork has a surreal feel to it.

Somehow, it emits the same kind of vibe I get when I'm dreaming. Like you're constantly chasing something, things don't quite add up, but it doesn't really matter in the end anyway.

Either way, remaining chapters shouldn't take too long anymore.

Thanks M3OW for translating this, i really enjoyed it. The artwork has a surreal feel to it. 

How soothing. I liked how in the first chapter the guy who wanted to be "nice" to the girl ended up being the same kind of creep as the manager. I'll be waiting to see where this goes. 

Well, that was a thing. Guess this is supposed to be about Mina and her passive relationship with skewed (is that the right word?) men. Art reminds me of this one josei manga called Tiger Lily. That one was also a thing.

good to read after having reading too many moe-manga or boiling spirit of manliness ...

think as a fresh water after eating a sweet cake or spicy food

this manga makes your moe/spirit meter drop a lot

Why did I follow this manga mmm...~?
Well whatever, since I already followed it better read it mmm...

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