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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.57 - 37votes)

Full Dozer

Alt Names:
Author: Komura Ayumi
Artist: Komura Ayumi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Ryouma Muroto secretly has feelings for his childhood friend Mao Manaka, a 15-year-old girl who appears to be a refined beauty on the outside, but she's actually an impulsive girl who is very persistent once she has made up her mind to do something, which Ryouma likens to a bulldozer. This personality causes others her age to tend to stay away from her, and Ryouma enjoys the fact that he's basically the only person who can hang around her.

Ryouma's daily interactions with Mao change one day when she meets Hayato Honjou, a fledgling actor who has had trouble making a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Ryouma quickly notices a change in Mao's demeanor when she starts showing a lot of interest in Hayato's up-and-coming career. Mao soon tells Ryouma that she has feelings for Hayato, and she shows Ryouma her determination to get closer to Hayato by joining a talent agency and moving to Tokyo. When Ryouma is later scouted by a talent agent, he decides to chase after Mao in the hope that their paths will connect someday.
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well i didn't really like it but whatever i guess, to each his own

A great little story. Mostly light 'n fluffy and feel-good, but with a hint of drama.....the atypical shoujo, and not just because of it being primarily centered on the male lead.


Frankly, everything Hachimitsu Scans does is good. They consistently find good titles to scanlate, and they're easily one of the most dependable scan groups out there.

Oh my god, I kinda felt like it was a bit forced, at first, just so the protagonist would end up with somebody, but the omake sold me on their relationship super hard and now I'm in love with them both. Like, gawd, can Ryouma be my boyfriend as well? On weekends, maybe? Amazing. It might actually be better to read the omake first, as a sort of primer? The stuff with Mao is way less rough when you know that Nina has him fully booked a few years down the line. It's definitely a big spoiler, but if you're the type who just finds love triangles and doomed love to be horribly stressful subjects, rest assured that there's a whole bunch of really cute fun stuff to unearth in this.

More than anything else, the thing I love most about Komura Ayumi's work is how much she loves her characters. She just adores all of them like they're her babies, and it just oozes from every page. Even when they're suffering, it's like the hand of god is floating in from offscreen to hug them and tell them it's gonna be okay. It's an incredibly cozy feeling.

OK, I'll admit I wasn't a fan on Nina at first... But after the omake, I was perfectly able to relate to her. Food is such a joy to try... And Komura's depictions of the food worked up my appetite.






Oh great, mori no takuma-san is getting a series!!!!*^*
KOMURA!! That extra was all I could ever want! All the Nina, her being awesome and enjoying herself with food. And freaking Ryouma! So cute, I almost died from cute. And let's never forget Ayumi Komura's first manga series was a cooking manga, Mixed Vegetables. Lol

just seeing Nina expression eating her food

Komura Ayumi must make comic about food !!

Why does none of my ships ever pan out...

Mmm, definitely wouldn't have minded a longer run on this series.  And yes, Nina best girl.  Mao was kinda one dimensional and didn't have any development in her character.  Surprising how much Nina changed in her few chapters.

What a lovely, tasty finale!

Personally, while I'll admit there are some awesome French cheeses, for my money the best cheese in the world is mostly English (and Scottish).  Wensleydale, Lincolnshire, huntsman cheese, Isle of Mull cheddar and other interesting cheddars, Cheshire, just got into Red Fox Red Leicester, Cornish Yarg cheese in its nettle wrapping.  British cheese is underestimated, it's so yummy.

Splendid.. Marvelous

Nina was obviously the best girl right?

Both girls are best girl.

ok it was a fast end XD

but i love this manga

a good ending


At the beggining I was getting a bit mad with the development, but in the end, It was kinda refreshing and amazing how things turned out. Amazing manga imo, 100% worth the reading.

    • lzy likes this

I really like that the author didn't fell the need to force the whole first girl always wins trope...and Nina was obviously the best girl right?


All is right with the world...




so kenjiro and the military guy confirmed right?

Well, I hope Ryouma ends up with Nina x'D

Well, that's a surprising amount of shit to have happened in the span of just 2 chapters.


...Though, if this is really ending at 3 volumes, I suppose it's necessary to nudge things along a bit QQ


And meat really does suit Nina-san well, heh.

"Don't say that in Margaret" lol


Nina is so cool. I hope she hits Ryouma in the face with a board at some point.

I don't know who the fuck should I support in this manga

That's easy HayatoXRyouma

Waterfalls: don't go chasing them.

Love the NG's at the end of each chapter.


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