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Fidanzato no Tameiki

Alt Names: alt Fidantsato no Tameikialt Fidantsto no Tameikialt Fidanzati no Tameiki
Author: Tanaka Rin
Artist: Tanaka Rin
Genres: Yuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A collection of oneshots.
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are they aware that "fidanzato" literally means "male fiancé " in Italian? I'd find "fidanzata" more appropriate.

To play devil's advocate, there's some chance that was intentional. Under most circumstances, if you talk about a woman's fiancee, that person would in fact be male. The author could have been trying to play upon that expectation.


But if I learned that it was actually a mistake I wouldn't be surprised. When using foreign words the Japanese often have trouble with things like gendered nouns and pluralization since those aren't natively a part of their own language... and it's not like they're unique in that respect. It's not at all uncommon to hear English speakers say "animes" or "ninjas."

I've never been big on the whole "Girls' private school" gig for yuri.  But this is cute so far.

I clicked this title because I was curious...I didn't know it was yuri and I've never even read a yuri manga nor I'm particulary interested in it but...guys,are they aware that "fidanzato" literally means "male fiancé " in Italian? I'd find "fidanzata" more appropriate. Haha. 
I'm sorry. Sometimes I just think that is very funny how mangakas try to use Italian words in their works and they just...make some huge mistakes :P

In general, manga are pretty cavalier in their (mis)use of foreign languages, whether it's Italian, French, German, or for that matter English.  We've gotten used to the Engrish and let it slide, feel like it's more they've appropriated bits of English on their own terms.  But overall, I think the Japanese just mostly don't give a damn about getting other people's languages remotely right.  

Although there are exceptions.  I'd be surprised to see Ikoku Meiro no Croisée getting things wrong.  Lovely little manga, that.

I really wonder what's the hidden connection between an Italian title and homosexuality. it happen all the time, maybe just Bambino and campione escape the clichè.

I clicked this title because I was curious...I didn't know it was yuri and I've never even read a yuri manga nor I'm particulary interested in it but...guys,are they aware that "fidanzato" literally means "male fiancé " in Italian? I'd find "fidanzata" more appropriate. Haha. 
I'm sorry. Sometimes I just think that is very funny how mangakas try to use Italian words in their works and they just...make some huge mistakes :P

Being Italian myself I can't help it, I just chuckle whenever I read something like that.

I clicked this title because I was curious...I didn't know it was yuri and I've never even read a yuri manga nor I'm particulary interested in it but...guys,are they aware that "fidanzato" literally means "male fiancé " in Italian? I'd find "fidanzata" more appropriate. Haha. 
I'm sorry. Sometimes I just think that is very funny how mangakas try to use Italian words in their works and they just...make some huge mistakes :P

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