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* * * * - (4.35 - 40votes)

Dream of a Girl

Alt Names: alt A Young Girl's Dreamalt El sueño de una chicaalt 소녀지몽
Author: Nachogirl
Artist: Nachogirl
Genres: Comedy ComedyFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A girl wakes up in a foreign world after an accident and is suspected to be the 'dragon priestess'.
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lol how many remakes are there?? so confused xD the heroine is introduced differently in each. 

thanks for picking this up Misty Rain Scans!!!

Chapter 10 and 11 have broken pages please re upload.

Beware of the spanish version



I believe it skipped some chapters as the numbering for many dont match up with the raws; somewhere past ch10 is where stuff gets ???? trying to match up to the raws. ex: i spent like 2-3hours trying to match up S1 ch17 here to the raws and could NOT find it anywhere in S1


compare it for yourselves: S1ch17raw http://page.kakao.com/viewer?productId=46945706&categoryUid=10&subCategoryUid=115&navi=1&inkatalk=0&inChannel=0(click on the pop up arrow to get rid of it, also you have to keep clicking the turn page button on the side since its not done in single strip)


And the quality drops--understandably due to problems outside scanner/translators control, however they never go back to redo the chapters that got messed up which were either uploaded uncolored in rough black/white OR they were scanned copies of printed out panels completed in colored pencil... by the scanner/translator.


While I greatly appreciate the scanners efforts and translation since it was legible for the most part, nevertheless, people should know what they're in for if they decide to read ahead in spanish because they are able to do so (like me)

so in the original storyline it's a dragon - but in the remake it's a bluebird now - or am wrong? I'm really confused now with four chapters being up that seem to contain two different storylines...

The two posted by Raw Crossing are from the original webtoon. The two by Misty Rain are from the remake of the series. I'm not sure, but I think the author decided to rewrite the whole thing (the original had been completed)? Or perhaps it had been promoted from challenge league in Naver (in which it would have been remade from scratch, too). I'm pretty sure the blue bird is the dragon still, just in a different form. I mean it's a dragon, right? It can take whatever form it wants. Wouldn't want to freak out the kid by being all awesomely divine and mythical scaled beastly in front of her, right :9?


I've been a sucker for traveling-to-another-world romance stories since I read Kanata Kara.

Mother of cheese! It's back! I had actually forgotten about this series. Was like...what the heck is this in my follow list? Oh. OH.  Thanks a bunch, Misty Rain!


But yeah...The dragon is now a blue bird? Although I like it more, tbh. A blue bird flying under water. Quirky. And 'blue bird of happiness' in a 'tragic prophecy'. 

so in the original storyline it's a dragon - but in the remake it's a bluebird now - or am wrong? I'm really confused now with four chapters being up that seem to contain two different storylines...

x.x ....Wanted to see the raws of the original story (since the translations aren't going anywhere), but Naver doesn't have them anymore >.< It's great that the author's series got promoted...but still v.v Couldn't find the remake version(s) of it either. Wonder if it's going by a different title now?


Misty Rain is actually going to start releasing the remake version. We already released the first two chapters.

To read the next chapter in English visit omqscans.wordpress.com

Basically, there is a king who wants power to stop the same mistake from happening, and a girl (in our time), who has special water related powers, dies and is asked by the Blue Dragon (he might be the "god" our main guy asked for help) to go to that time so that she might live and fufill the role he promised to the king; the (blue) dragon priestess.

While I am grateful for this summary, I can understand that from the two chapters posted. I meant beyond the ones here. :) sorry for the confusion

Since I'm not sure of the status of this series...would someone please tell me an overview? Basically asking for spoilers...

Basically, there is a king who wants power to stop the same mistake from happening, and a girl (in our time), who has special water related powers, dies and is asked by the Blue Dragon (he might be the "god" our main guy asked for help) to go to that time so that she might live and fufill the role he promised to the king; the (blue) dragon priestess.

x.x ....Wanted to see the raws of the original story (since the translations aren't going anywhere), but Naver doesn't have them anymore >.< It's great that the author's series got promoted...but still v.v Couldn't find the remake version(s) of it either. Wonder if it's going by a different title now?

Since I'm not sure of the status of this series...would someone please tell me an overview? Basically asking for spoilers...

wawawa english translation pls pls TT

Sorry... The author made a new remake of the serie and we're planning doing it again...

wawawa english translation pls pls TT

Es genial la historia! :D

If anyone is interested, I'm planning on picking this up & all I'll need is a KTL(Korean TL) to TL it~ and I'll do the rest~:3 I really like this series so I wan't to do it really bad~

hhhhhnnnngggg, una pena lo de la autora, ojala recupere su pc =/


por otro lado gracias por publicar esto, le daré follow =)

Sí, pero a partir del capítulo 16 la autora publicará de forma normal el manhwa ^^

hhhhhnnnngggg, una pena lo de la autora, ojala recupere su pc =/


por otro lado gracias por publicar esto, le daré follow =)

Ahhh this looks so good! Thanks for the releases so far, and hoping for more!! 

I second this, wish someone could pick this up it has potential, and followed just in case =3=

Ahhh this looks so good! Thanks for the releases so far, and hoping for more!! 

Is it me or the english and spanish scans aren't the same ?

edit: nevermind, I didn't see it was a remake

I'm really sad this series was never picked up. It's really nice drawing and has such an interesting story,

Really interesting, the drawings are very good as well... FOLLOWED

The beggining was great! I'm really anxious to read the rest of the story =).

*Is there a manga that is similar to this one?

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