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* * * * * (4.5 - 58votes)

Devil's Line

Alt Names: alt デビルズラインalt Devil's Linealt 魔性之线
Author: Hanada Ryou
Artist: Hanada Ryou
Genres: Action ActionRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Anzai, half vampire, and Tsukasa, a normal school girl.
Vampires seem to be living among humans. Of course the government does not know of their existence, because their appearance does not differ from humans. They also do not need to drink blood, but when they get a craving or get angry, they can become uncontrollable monsters.
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Curious how this series holds up with the volumes out in English. I had been interested in it, but I can't wrap my head around some of the art style. Wondering if anyone could say if the story is worth it or not before I binge-buy 7 volumes worth. Thanks!

The story is totally worth it, but I actually did just buy 7 volumes worth and i would say hold off until you're sure bc just in the first chapter of the first vol there's already some botched translations :/ Theres a few spots where they're especially bad and the scanlated versions here by Lolscans are actually a lot better. Im so sad bc i thought vertical scans (the ones doing the official volumes) would do a pretty good job, but eh.. Theyre the ones translating Ajin also so im kind of wary to buy those now too. But it's not like it ruins the series or anything, it's not that bad. And it's still a great story so i am glad i have them.

Curious how this series holds up with the volumes out in English. I had been interested in it, but I can't wrap my head around some of the art style. Wondering if anyone could say if the story is worth it or not before I binge-buy 7 volumes worth. Thanks!

I'm confused by the summary. It says "the government does not know of [vampires] existence", but this is clearly contradicted by chapter 5, page 13, if not everywhere else up to that point. Should that be updated? Or is it just certain parts of the government?

Was this project dropped? It used to be updated fairly regularly over the spring, has it been discontinued?

Gradually, yes. Vertical releases the manga in English now, and their release has already passed the scans.

Was this project dropped? It used to be updated fairly regularly over the spring, has it been discontinued?

Honestly, I had to stop at  this

and just think. Wow. Someone gathered up all the pieces of broken glass and slotted them together like a jigsaw puzzle, then taped them back together on both sides.... Wouldn't it have been a lot easier, safer, and smarter to just.... get a new window? or even put a board over the entire window for a temporary measure?.... or... anything other than picking up dozens of shards of broken glass and taping them together again...  

Thanks for the help Jeca. I figured out it was my browser substituting "https" for "http."

Once I followed your directions and did just http I found your website. HALLELUJAH @_@

So, they want us to visit their site to continue reading but when I try to visit it's just a generic landing page? LOLScans, you should probably work on that before directing people to go to the website. It doesn't even work!

Hey there!


Unfortunately, we do not understand what you meant by a "generic landing page." All our active links have been checked and are working. We need more details so that our tech can properly troubleshoot the problem. However, it seems you're having trouble reaching us and are also experiencing difficulty locating our reader/download links, so let us help you out with a guide:


Thank you very much and have a great day!


P.S. We decided to reply here since this seems to be your preferred way of contacting us, but we have also sent you a PM.

On the other hand, Devil's Line chapter 13 will be out next week on our forums, so stay tuned!

So, they want us to visit their site to continue reading but when I try to visit it's just a generic landing page? LOLScans, you should probably work on that before directing people to go to the website. It doesn't even work!

I like it! But i wonder why his shirt is cut out around the nipple on the cover?

That appears to be the cover art for Volume 4, which hasn't been scanlated yet as far as I know. And the hole is probably a bullet wound and has nothing to do with his nipple. XD Since it's on his left breast, it means he will almost get shot in the heart!?! :o So many spoilers, such a simple image...

Some panels the hands are so small lol

At least it's not as bad as Tokyo Crazy Paradise's "tiny heads" issue. Gods...that manga was so hard to read towards the end without giggles. *teeheehee...*

from the cover, you'd never guess this manga's got such a cute OTP :3

Why no chapter 1?

Hey there :D
Chapter 1 is available for download at our forums. We'll be re-uploading chapter 1 later on.


[EDIT] It's now available again on batoto :)

Why no chapter 1?

Screw you kikuhara, leave the vamps alone!

Argh... Interesting story, but with every cliffhanger I'm so frustrated... Gonna wait for more chapters available next time I read this. -_-

I guess we can start calling Marshmallow's ship "The Titanic".

I feel like i was asking for it by mentioning icebergs in the first place. For that very reason.

Some panels the hands are so small lol

Yeah, especially the doctor's hand on page 29, it's disturbing
Some panels the hands are so small lol

One of my recent favorites. Each chapter is well crafted.

surprisingly interesting, and i'm easily sold to premise star crossed lover with different species :))

ok, followed XD

This manga makes me feel some sort of way

how's that last page for an iceberg?

I guess we can start calling Marshmallow's ship "The Titanic".
I knew it would happen when I read the previous chapter...
    • Ada likes this

Wow. I ship these two SO FRIGGIN' MUCH. They're so cute! Minus the whole Anzai-wants-to-suck-Tsukasa's-blood-dry every time he gets horny. But nonetheless. This ship is going on a long luxury cruise. Just...no icebergs, please. Please?

how's that last page for an iceberg?

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