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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.64 - 11votes)


Alt Names: alt Warmthalt 暖々
Author: Saori Hagiwara
Artist: Saori Hagiwara
Genres: Drama DramaOneshot OneshotRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Matsuki and Nishimori have been best friends, but when Matsuki develops romantic feelings for her, he decides to confess. His unrequited love means little to Nishimori because she doesn't see him the same way and she's perfectly content with the friendship they have now. Can the flames ever be rekindled or will it remain cold?
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Un po' infantile, ma carino
It's hard to say what is right/wrong or black/white, as reality is a gray zone.

From experience, it's cruel to cut off contact with a friend just because they don't feel the same, yet at the same time it's painful and awkward to be with them when you are feeling different/on a different page as them.

Either way you look at it, someone is bound to get hurt.

I do agree that the girl agreeing to date him seems really BLEH.

I mean, it's obvious she doesn't like him, and if it was hinted she did by the end, the transition was wayyy too badly drawn or explained.

One page she says resolutely she had no feelings, then she misses him and just wants to be with him. She misses his Companionship, but that's not romantic love.

It would have been even better if this story ended on a "let's get to know you more instead first and go from there"

It sucks to like someone onesidedly, at the same time it also sucks to be on the receiving end and you have to turn them down.

That's why they say you have to draw the line between close friends of opposite sexes, or if you are gay, the same gender of course.

Who knows. A good argument to make.
I think the way he responded was rather normal, the reason being what Synaptic and Tonie said. however I don't mind the ending too much, since he realizes that he was being childish, and asks her if this was what she wanted. If she said no, I'm pretty sure he would've tried being friends with her again.
I agree with Synaptic. Sometimes it's painful when you're with the girl you like, knowing that she won't reciprocate your feelings, so it's better to just run away or cut off your relationship.

Regarding the ending, I may be wrong, but sometimes love blooms later in a relationship, just like in arranged marriages/etc. The girl clearly stated that she don't want to be separated from him, so it may start from there... But we will never know.
Kute! But it's so weird. The girl is too weak and not my type. LOL!
It's okay. Have seen much better one shots.
I understand where you're coming from, but rather than creeped out, I was disappointed at the author's resolution to the story. I didn't see him as "acting like she has a responsibility to like him back", more that his feelings for her did not run in that direction. he didn't want to deal with the emotional pain of seeing her everyday and not being able to be with her, so he broke off their friendship. regarding the ending, however, we agree. rather than have a thoughtful dissection of a rather common and important issue (long time friends not being able to continue with their friendship due to one of them wanting a deeper relationship) the female lead just says "oh, ill go out with him even though i don't feel the same way as he does."

lame :/
Was anyone else a little creeped out by this? He sort of acts like she has a responsibility to like him back, and she eventually agrees to a romantic relationship she maybe doesn't want because it's better than being abandoned by him.

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