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* * * * - (4.24 - 17votes)

Cynthia The Mission

Alt Names: alt シンシアザミッションalt CYNTHIA_THE_MISSION
Author: Takatou Rui
Artist: Takatou Rui
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaMartial Arts Martial ArtsSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Cynthia comes from a family of assassins. She acts as a part-time student who's BALD (she only appears that way), and she continously receives orders from the organization to assassinate people. The story opens with her and 2 friends going shopping for hair growth solution, when a new mission comes up. Her master, who taught her everything she knew 3 years back, was hired as the target's bodyguard. The two must fight, but what will the outcome be? Read on!
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Not a bad read. Some of the facial expressions reminded me of Baki the Brappler..... 

Altogether I'd  give it a 11/15

Saw the ending coming.
Yeah, that ending leaves your mind full of f*ck.
uploading the individual chapters tomorrow, but iirc a few of the chapter names were never even translated to english so just deal with that
some admin remove the volume uploads after i unlist them plz
@KarchAmadeo the sequel hook was a joke
the later volume of the manga become random
honestly, what the hell did i just read ?!
the aurthor is twisted the story, like he's out of idea about how the story will be going

overall a good action manga if you can get over the complete randomness at times (and all the total BS).
Is there a 2nd part to this thing?
@Oliverfr yeah, you probably didn't/won't like what happens to the big bad at the end :rolleyes:

i mean seeeeeriously harsh stuff.
Grappler Baki, with women.

I'll look like a prejudiced person probably, but I HATED this idea of seeing women roughing up each other like that, breaking their beautiful bodies, wasting their precious flesh.

Leave the gore and pulp fantasies to men and their excess testosterone, with women it becomes sick shit :(
vol6 is some sort of convulted flashback-training montage thing for tan guy, followed by backstory for evil eyes girl.
Gave up trying to understand volume 6. Skipped it >_>
dont know if it will affect anyone reading it, but Takuto Rui is part of Type Moon(Fate Stay Night, Kara No Kyoukai, Tsukihime).
oh god why did i forget about this manga this is so awesome oh god my acrotomophilia senses are going crazy.
also is this http://vatoto.com/read/_/125045/cynthia-the-mission_v9_ch38-42_by_kizlan/206 for real?
So many evil traps.... (in both senses of the word)
pretty brutal, but waaah did i see naruto in the ending?
I have read this manga before, and just have to say that though it might not be technical (like holyland, for instance), one has to enjoy a MC that can actualy 1. lose a battle and 2. not have some life-changig epiphany that brings their soul from the brink of despair to rise anew from the ashes of their defeat like a raging pheonix. An unbeatable character is never fun.

...but you should probably find out for yourself and just read the first couple of chapters instead of reading every single comment to try and glean the plot of the manga from previous readers.

why are you still reading this? go on, start reading.
I mean it. Shutting up now.
yeah this is one of the best martial arts manga ever made. My personal favorite because its so ridiculous, rad junk happens every chapter and it doesn't make a single lick of sense but none of it is even lampshaded, the author knows they're writing burlesque nonsense and that's exactly what they were going for. Awesome for awesome's sake, like an old martial arts movie
Also it has a little girl heroine that isn't sexualized, ever. Removing the male/female fantasy from the main character of a martial arts manga is pretty much unique. Every other character is ripped with humongous tits but you get the point
yes volume 6 has weird numbering, that's not a mistake the author just got really high one day or something and decided sequential numbers were for prudes

I'll change the volume uploads to chapters when I have time to split them up and make sense of the utter nonsense chapter numbers
Awesome series. I missed a few chapters, so I hope they get filled in here.

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