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CVN 73

Alt Names: alt Manga CVN73 USS George Washington
Author: Sato Harumi
Artist: Kazusa Hiroshi
Genres: Slice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: For 10 years, the U.S. Navy base in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, was the home port of the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk. But in 2008, Kitty Hawk was replaced by the USS George Washington, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. There have been protests against the deployment of the George Washington in Japan. The Navy's public relations campaign includes a manga that puts a human face on the aircraft carrier. The face belongs to Petty Officer Third Class Jack Ohara, a fictional character who is newly assigned to the carrier as it sets sail for Japan. The manga, titled after the ship's hull number, does not address nuclear safety directly, instead subtly implying that it is a non-issue by having the crew go about their business without any apparent concern on the topic. The real focus is on the day-to-day lives of Jack and his crewmates.
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Having served for eight years (two four-year tours) aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), I'd say they got it mostly right, aside from some little details, like the Petty Officer First Class slapping Jack on the back as hard as she did.  It would have been a borderline assault case, and no First Class would risk Captain's Mast for that.  I'm not surprised that they failed to mention anything about the Reactor Dept., because that's all classified.  I do find it ironic that there are still protests over Naval ships with nuclear power plants being homeported in Japan when they've built several civilian nuclear power plants there.

My dad works on these ships. Information about the Reactor Compartment is definitely classified. I was attracted to this manga by the mention of the KItty Hawk. My dad works at PSNS where it resides. I thought the detail of the ship was pretty good too. Ive been a much smaller ship, the Turner Joy, since it became a museum. I thought it was cool to compare them. The scans were unfortunately not very good quality. It was worth the 200 pages anyway.

Having served for eight years (two four-year tours) aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), I'd say they got it mostly right, aside from some little details, like the Petty Officer First Class slapping Jack on the back as hard as she did.  It would have been a borderline assault case, and no First Class would risk Captain's Mast for that.  I'm not surprised that they failed to mention anything about the Reactor Dept., because that's all classified.  I do find it ironic that there are still protests over Naval ships with nuclear power plants being homeported in Japan when they've built several civilian nuclear power plants there.

To be fair, the protesters are mainly vastly ignorant hippies that don't understand how a nuclear vessel works. You could pop open a chemlight and drop it into the water and watch them run for safety, away from the completely harmless mysterious glowing green liquid.

mmm already brainwashed by America, guess Ill see how this goes.

Well that's a clever propaganda method if I ever heard one, description. Guess I'll be reading this, then.

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