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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.4 - 42votes)


Alt Names: alt ć‚ÆćƒŖćƒ ć‚¾ćƒ³alt Crimsons - The Scarlet Navigators of the Oceanalt CRIMSONS ē“…恍čˆŖęµ·č€…ćŸć”alt Crimsons ~Akai Koukaishatachi~alt Crimsons ~The Scarlet Navigators of the Ocean~alt Crimsons: Akai Koukaishatachialt Crimsons: The Scarlet Navigators of the Oceanalt CRIMSONS~ē“…恍čˆŖęµ·č€…ćŸć”~
Author: Kanno Takanori
Artist: Kanno Takanori
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Shintaro and his school of salmon have been living in a small lake for generations. Tired of being muscled out of food by the bigger fish, they decide to make a bold move and head for the ā€œoceanā€ that theyā€™ve heard about in stories where it is vastly large and food is beyond plentiful. As Shintaro leads his school of salmon out into the sea, they soon realize how protected they were in the lake and realize how dangerous it is.


> CRIMSONS Gaiden - River Side Story
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hilarious. An excellent educational manga.

For some reason I imagine the philosopher water flea to have Morgan Freeman's voice... seems fitting - 3 -

I never know a manga about school of salmon can make me cry.


And this manga contains some ecchi stuff, of one particular human, and fishes.


And a philosophist water flea.


Reading this is an adventure itself.


Totally recommended.

Recently I ate at a vegetarian restaurant. The wall of the restaurant has many quotes from famous people who go vegans written on it. One of them says, "animal is my friend, I don't eat my friends." I forgot who's quote is that, but here, in this comic, I found a man that doesn't mind devouring his friends. Eat meat, children!!

"Devouring your comrades.... What a disturbing philosophy." (seriously, I laughed at this remarks)
... that one page must have used half the world's stock of hallucinogens. If you already read the last chapter, you know which page I'm talking about. If only they had met Space Core too, I'd have concrete proof that cameos aren't limited by sanity.
Wow, i'm going to miss reading this now that it has ended.
sad its finished but a pretty damn good series
Seems you're right worlddominator:


Probably the closest we'll ever see to Crimsons being animated.
they mentioned this manga in the latest episode of Hayate the combat Butler.
So it's coming to an end...damn shame. This has been really fun to read.
Yuuka's drooling. Cause it felt that good!


I feel very dirty now.
For some reason I felt like that moment was something inappropriate. xD
ahahaha when i saw that fishgasm i had the loudest chuckle xD
Fishgasm!!! LOL, the author really know how to make people laugh using fish.
I randomly decided to take a look at this manga and chapter 19 was the first chapter I read...and omg when I got to the end I had this awful feeling wash over me....
Please use spoiler tags for huge images and potential spoilers (for obvious reasons). Comments about the latest chapter should go to the latest discussion thread in the manga's forum.

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This didnĀ“t make me cry, but surely affected me so:
shit just got real...
I haven't cried this much since FFVII.

Damnit, man. DAMNIT!
Just to let you know guys, there's a spin-off of this series. Ii focuses on the human characters. You might want to check it out.
It feels like it's going to end soon.

Oh guys, did you know?
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Finally caught with this series... I gotta say the chapter 16 riled up my emotions. That mother octopus' story is really sad.

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