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* * * * - (4.31 - 61votes)


Alt Names: alt コッペリオンalt 核爆默示录
Author: Inoue Tomonori
Artist: Inoue Tomonori
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In 2016 a meltdown of a nuclear power plant creates a big catastrophe in Tokyo. 20 years later, the city has become a ghost town due to the high levels of radiation. From that area a distress signal is received, the Self-Defense Forces dispatch 3 girls from the special unit Coppelion to search for survivors. But why aren't they wearing any protection against radiation?

Unfortunatly the only chapters available after a certain point are direct scans from the English publication which are not allowed on Batoto.
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Hey everyone, I think it's hard for new readers to find all the missing chapters (and there's no website with all of them in one place!), so I'm gonna make a guide here:

199: ONLY on mangasee as far as I know

233: mangainn, mangachameleon, etc

Everything else not here: Can safely say that most manga sites will have all of them

I'd recommend downloading at least 199 (yes, picture by picture, if you're that dedicated) in case that site ever goes down so you have it. There's also probably a torrent of the whole series somewhere. Enjoy!

yes just one more and we can finally catch up.

You can catch up as of now. The missing volume is complete and you can grab chapters 191 & 192 here: http://kiwesmiles.tumblr.com/post/129031321511/ (Credit goes to fireemblembeast for making me aware of that.)

I won't bother to redo those chapters, sorry, since an official version should be in the works and might arrive any day now. The chapter gap was closed in time, even if just by a hair's breadth, and that should be all that matters.

yes just one more and we can finally catch up.

Godammit, fucking finally.

Alright, 189 is out! Thanks so much!!
Just three more chapters to fill in now!

So sad that the manga is ending this month though :/

Is there also a full English translation? Only chapter 188 seems to be in English, everything is else spanish or something :(

IKR. I hate when scanlators skip chapters.

I'm more upset with the fact that the "old photo" appears to be an image of a potato with words below it. xC

187? 192? Um, what...? >___>

IKR. I hate when scanlators skip chapters.

187? 192? Um, what...? >___>

Of course, it is still heavily hinted that it is about a nuclear power plant going full Chernobyl, but they never actually said they were dealing with radioactive stuff or a nuclear plant at all


My guess would be that because of a certain event they had to remove certain parts of the plot, especially the "radiation" part.

And about the question "why is it mentioned in the manga then?":


Well, the manga started in 2008, 3 years BEFORE the Fukushima power plant melted down and caused this mess

The author couldn't just stop mentioning the radiation part, but they cut it for the anime

The anime actually was sceduled for the summer season of 2011, but because of the incident it was delayed, and quasi censored.

So...genetically altered school girls fighting the Japanese Death Korps of Krieg?



There are over 200 chapters in raw, check other sites?


There's a huge gap between 171-200 I can't seem to find a plug for. Lot of stuff seems to happen in the gap too. Kind of sad I can't continue with it like this.


I wish that this could continue...


There are over 200 chapters in raw, check other sites?

I wish that this could continue...

How big can you build an anvil to drop? -_- I'd not mind this so much, but... the bias is making me mentally sicker than radiation poisoning could. <_<


(Seriously: when you think of how much damage lead and mercury poisoning has done over the centuries, radiation is peanuts.)

Well, the problem with radiation isn't really the poisonous part.

The problem is that it poisons you simply by being there (radiation can pass through materials) and takes VERY long to stop doing that.


IF we had some kind of technology to break down radioactive material into non- radioactive isotopes (this process does happen all the time, but is VERY slow) in a somewhat acceptable timespan, it would be a different story. Right now, all we can do is bury the nuclear waste in old mines and hope that it stays down there. 


Well, the easiest course of action would be to shoot dat stuff into the sun.

The "effects on the sun due to heavy isotopes entering the sun" is pretty much invalid as it sure has quite a lot of it already thanks to asteroids/meteorites containing radioactive matter have fallen into it.

The only problem is that radioactive material is quite heavy (radioactive fuel rods have a very high density, probably a lot more than lead) so you'd need BIG rockets to shoot the stuff there.


Shooting a single ton worth of weight into the sun is very expensive, a lot more expensive than just burying it and forgetting about it.

Why? If you need to transport one ton of radioactive waste, the rocket will need lead shielding to protect its electronic circuits against the radiation (strong radiation can really mess up electronics over time)

How big can you build an anvil to drop? -_- I'd not mind this so much, but... the bias is making me mentally sicker than radiation poisoning could. <_<


(Seriously: when you think of how much damage lead and mercury poisoning has done over the centuries, radiation is peanuts.)

Saw the latest episode of the anime a while ago...


Well, interstingly, in the ANIME they deliberately avoid mentioning certain words. 

Words like 

-) Radioactive

-) Radiation

-) Nuclear power


In the episodes till now, NOT EVEN ONCE were any of these words mentioned.

The only time when we got a serious hint towards radioactive stuff was when they rowed the boat to the downed B2 bomber and saw the waste containers. They said they were all yellow, although in the anime, they all had a grey/brown color despite them describing them as yellow (before knowing what they were)


If it is about radiation, they always say something about contamination/it is contaminated.

Of course, it is still heavily hinted that it is about a nuclear power plant going full Chernobyl, but they never actually said they were dealing with radioactive stuff or a nuclear plant at all


My guess would be that because of a certain event they had to remove certain parts of the plot, especially the "radiation" part.

And about the question "why is it mentioned in the manga then?":


Well, the manga started in 2008, 3 years BEFORE the Fukushima power plant melted down and caused this mess

The author couldn't just stop mentioning the radiation part, but they cut it for the anime


But that sure is interesting that both the meltdowns in this story and the real one had quite similar circumstances (from the lack of safety in the power plant, lack of preparation for certain events right down to the retarded reaction of companies and the government afterwards)



But let's be honest about Kanon Ozu.

Well, she sure is crazy, but to a certain extent, she has one hell of a point:

-) The part about the coppelion being sent on a one-way mission and about their lifespan

-) The entire "human modification" thing

-) Her being pissed at humans because of that

-) And about Ibara Naruse being too dumb/naive to comprehend the 3 above points


And also, I hope somone punches that idiotic minister (and everyone else on the meeting that is going on for all these chapters) in the face, or better, boot to the face because they all deserve it, especially the Australian moron who wants to go nuclear power despite the disaster and the Japanese coward who can't even man up and tell them to shut up already.



Crunchyroll license - simulpub @ ch206 - nothing in barnes and nobles - I guess I gotta subscribe if I want to read ch 78-205?

30-77 chapter in mangainn :D :D :D

People react strangely to risks they don't fully understand, even with Chernobyl more people died from suicide and panic reactions than they did from radiation poisoning. Which is pretty insane if you think about it.

Actually it's not insane when they're in it. It's insane when you look from a 3rd-person POV but not a 1st person.

Various cultures ended because of this, so does suicidal sects/cults. Don't be surprised if humanity ends because of this. There's enough manga out there to simulate humanity's end after all =)



It was a serious manga in the beginning. The introduction of



That's sad to hear. I guess I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Thanks you guys for the objective analysis. A pity, really. Nuclear power is a big issue but you shouldn't take it literally - there's bigger and smaller problems out there that is similar.

It's like how they delayed the airing of the last episode of School Days due to a killing..

Time for the hunt! But seriously, fucking Aoi...



 Coppelion chapters 24-30 by HorribleScans! Enjoy :)

While I can understand the emotions behind the decision, it is rather disappointing that a disaster would make a related issue a taboo, particularly in a story that isn't exploitative about it at all.


A damn shame. Guess I'll go watch Gravity today to get my pseudo-hard sci-fi fix.

People react strangely to risks they don't fully understand, even with Chernobyl more people died from suicide and panic reactions than they did from radiation poisoning. Which is pretty insane if you think about it.

It was a serious manga in the beginning. The introduction of


While I can understand the emotions behind the decision, it is rather disappointing that a disaster would make a related issue a taboo, particularly in a story that isn't exploitative about it at all.


A damn shame. Guess I'll go watch Gravity today to get my pseudo-hard sci-fi fix.

When I first read Coppelion I came to expect a (kinda) hard sci-fi thriller like PlanetES or Moonlight Mile, except with schoolgirls; some of the science was a little quirky, but I could pretty much ignore it because I accepted that some liberties had to be taken to move the plot along.
Then I read the untranslated volumes. Oh boy.
I wouldn't say it's bad, but it quickly becomes less PlanetES/Moonlight Mile and more Tokyo Underground/X-Men. Just a quick example of how things escalate in the next 14 volumes:


I can't tell if this was the mangaka's original intent or if it's the results of editors who constantly go "make it more like a battle manga!"

It was a serious manga in the beginning. The introduction of

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