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Yuuutsu-kun to Succubus-san

Alt Names: alt Depression with Succubusalt Depression-kun and Succubus-sanalt 憂鬱くんとサキュバスさん
Author: Sakamegane
Artist: Sakamegane
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
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After first chapters my thought was "how is succubus girl not depressed after this?" Well, there were some good moments afterwards...

Came for the succubus and stayed for the angel.


Also RIP.

I'm sorry I left out the manga, I just found the anime when researching and didn't think it was actually based on the original Saint Seiya manga (since the title was different and all), but that still doesn't detract from the rest which seems to be correct (hopefully).


yes, very nice of you to point out the cultural references, at least :)

I don't quite get the legend at the end. It says that the old man receives the box but is told not to open it because it will protect him on his journey. When he gets home, he forgets the warning and opens the box.

The thing is, his journey was over wasn't it? He was home. What was the problem with opening the box then?

My interpretation of the Urashima Taro story:

I don't quite get the legend at the end. It says that the old man receives the box but is told not to open it because it will protect him on his journey. When he gets home, he forgets the warning and opens the box.


The thing is, his journey was over wasn't it? He was home. What was the problem with opening the box then?

I should probably not have added that bit since it creates some confusion, but in all the variants of the story he is specifically instructed to never open the box at all, not just because it'll keep him safe on his journey (though the keeping him safe part is an element in some versions of the story, the instructions are still not to open it ever). Some variants don't give any meaning to the box even, they just say "here's a memento box, don't ever open it". I should probably have just wrote "to keep him safe" and leave out the journey bit, so that's my bad.


As to why opening the box is always a negative thing, there's still a lot of interpretation on the subject. Some say it's because he broke a promise, others say it's a lesson to not accept things from strangers. Take your guess.



"pegasus ryu sei ken" is not from saint seiya : lost canvas, it's from "saint seiya", period. an old school manga from early 1980. best manga in the world if you ask some :D (that was a private joke, at some point an "otaku corruption" test allotted corruption points for this.)


point is, "pegasus" is the armor the hero wear in both these manga, and "pegasus ryu sei ken" is an attack that comes with it. I'm inclined to believe the reference is to the old manga, not the new one. yuutsu-kun is old enough to know the old manga (or maybe just the anime), and I'm not so sure Saint Seiya the lost canvas was that big in japan.

I'm sorry I left out the manga, I just found the anime when researching and didn't think it was actually based on the original Saint Seiya manga (since the title was different and all), but that still doesn't detract from the rest which seems to be correct (hopefully).

I don't quite get the legend at the end. It says that the old man receives the box but is told not to open it because it will protect him on his journey. When he gets home, he forgets the warning and opens the box.


The thing is, his journey was over wasn't it? He was home. What was the problem with opening the box then?

yes, I'm sure the idea of being treated with utter and unconditional respect is appealing to you

? I'm not entirely certain whether you are joking or being sarcastic. I personally find joy in helping others more so than anything, but in the line of study I am in depression and burnout are large issues (doctor for reference).


The current statistics are that more than 25% of students (doctors) are suffering from mental health issues. These people won't really get better if you tell them to, and there's currently a national campaign being developed to help them (note that this ain't the US). 


Perhaps I'm odd for not wanting to ostracise people, and instead help them to the best of my abilities, but I'll accept that then.

"pegasus ryu sei ken" is not from saint seiya : lost canvas, it's from "saint seiya", period. an old school manga from early 1980. best manga in the world if you ask some :D (that was a private joke, at some point an "otaku corruption" test allotted corruption points for this.)


point is, "pegasus" is the armor the hero wear in both these manga, and "pegasus ryu sei ken" is an attack that comes with it. I'm inclined to believe the reference is to the old manga, not the new one. yuutsu-kun is old enough to know the old manga (or maybe just the anime), and I'm not so sure Saint Seiya the lost canvas was that big in japan.

Chapter seven fulfilled my dreams of this manga. I can't wait to see the future between them. And has Sucubus-san also taken therapy courses along with housewife classes? Cuz she sure knows how to support someone with depression (coming from someone with it).

That was depressing

I wonder what succubus is trying to hide in her book on the last page of Ch15.

You do remember that chapter when they realized she loved reading pure love stories, but is too embarassed to show it

It is important that it is, considering the message of the manga. The whole manga has been about helping someone with depression, and uses the demon and the angel as juxtaposition for how the illness should be approached, and how it quite often is dealt with by people instead. Interesting thing to think about is how demons represent taboo, and angels the virtuous in culture. So the social commentary the author is trying to convey by showing the consequences of their actions is in my opinion quite obvious. I'm preaching for the choir here I suspect, but the manga always makes me like that. It is a favourite of mine because of how it treats the depressed with such utter respect.

yes, I'm sure the idea of being treated with utter and unconditional respect is appealing to you

I can relate to the mc, just change the succubus to my wife lol

I wonder what succubus is trying to hide in her book on the last page of Ch15. 




This manga is... Surprisingly comfortable.

It is important that it is, considering the message of the manga.

The whole manga has been about helping someone with depression, and uses the demon and the angel as juxtaposition for how the illness should be approached, and how it quite often is dealt with by people instead. Interesting thing to think about is how demons represent taboo, and angels the virtuous in culture. So the social commentary the author is trying to convey by showing the consequences of their actions is in my opinion quite obvious.

I'm preaching for the choir here I suspect, but the manga always makes me like that. It is a favourite of mine because of how it treats the depressed with such utter respect.
Thanks for the new chapter! Glad someone used the resurrection spell!

If anyone cares to change the description, here are raws for this comic.




It's updated weekly/biweekly and goes up to chapter 80, in case any translators are interested in picking this up.

I hate when I find something being worked on then shortly after it just stops. It's been nearly 4 months since the last chapter.

This manga is... Surprisingly comfortable.

Ah yes, those nasty bodily excretions are considered a sin, aren't they...?

I just now noticed that you can see Succubus-san's ribs.

Yeah its been like that from Chapter 1

I don't know if it's just how she was designed, but I think it might be that she's that thin because she doesn't feed on others that often, or at all which is interesting to think about

I wasn't expecting this level of a message in this manga. I'm pleasantly suprised. Though she may not always be able to understand him, Succubus-chan really truly tries to understand and help him, even if it is seemingly selfish, she is anything but

I just now noticed that you can see Succubus-san's ribs.

I was so certain that chapter 13 would end with something silly, like it not actually being him under the covers or another cliche misunderstanding like that. But it was actually really adorable. It looks like the manga artist isn't just treating the MC's depression like a gag, but like a very real issue.

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