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* * - - - (1.93 - 14votes)

Yuki-chan no Baka, Daisuki

Alt Names:
Author: Tamura Kotoyu
Artist: Tamura Kotoyu
Genres: Josei JoseiRomance RomanceSchool Life School Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
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when cuteness just isn't worth it..

So should I like this couple at the end of the story? I guess not.

haha terrible boyfriend...

Uhhh, what's with that happy ending? She wasn't solely unhappy because he didn't say "I like you" more often, she was upset because he barely remembers that she exists. Even when she's literally right there, talking to him, he almost forgets about her. For three months, he basically uses her for sex (even when she's not super ready or willing ) and it's supposed to be a cute romantic miscommunication because he's embarrassed to say "I like you"? Here's a theory, maybe he's not embarrassed because he likes you so much, maybe he's embarrassed because he finds it humiliating to say something sappy and emotional to a girl? Maybe he thinks it's super awkward to lie about caring for her, but that's just what you gotta do to convince someone to sleep with you? Is there even one thing that suggests this isn't true, beyond "there were sparkly screenones in the background, so obviously he meant it"? So gross. Nothing wrong with the shy tsundere boyfriend thing, there are a million shojo oneshots out there that do it great, but chriiiiiiiist this was bad.

Couldn't have said it better my self, what a terrible MC...could have potentially been a cute story but the way it ends is just crap. Like its supposed to be cute/funny that "oh he didn't forget the birthday, just misheard since he doesn't give a shit about paying attention teehee"

Uhhh, what's with that happy ending? She wasn't solely unhappy because he didn't say "I like you" more often, she was upset because he barely remembers that she exists. Even when she's literally right there, talking to him, he almost forgets about her. For three months, he basically uses her for sex (even when she's not super ready or willing ) and it's supposed to be a cute romantic miscommunication because he's embarrassed to say "I like you"? Here's a theory, maybe he's not embarrassed because he likes you so much, maybe he's embarrassed because he finds it humiliating to say something sappy and emotional to a girl? Maybe he thinks it's super awkward to lie about caring for her, but that's just what you gotta do to convince someone to sleep with you? Is there even one thing that suggests this isn't true, beyond "there were sparkly screentones in the background, so obviously he meant it"? So gross. Nothing wrong with the shy tsundere boyfriend thing, there are a million shojo oneshots out there that do it great, but chriiiiiiiist this was bad.

how adorable. full body blush

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