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Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki - Alternative Saga: Game 4ko Maoh

Alt Names: alt Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga - Game 4ko Maoh
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy Comedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A 4koma based on the video game Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki - Alternative Saga.
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Are all the chapters taken down?

Well Feena and Leah are only guarding/sealing the Black Pearl again since they ( and the High Priets, whateva they're called) were responsible for what happened to Ys. It's probably the most powerful artifact in that world so they can't leave it or destroy it.

I recommend playing YsI+II ( available for PSP), very old school but it has it's epic adventure story. Also Origins (available on Steam), a must play as well for back story.

Better than Zelda.
@ mister_donut
You just answered your own question lol! At heart, he's a true adventurer. It doesn't matter which wonderful girl he meets along the way because his love for adventure trumps everything else.

It's kind of sad really since it's implied that probably during his journey across the world, Feena and Leah are probably the most important to him but never really learned about their true fate...

Either way, we get Estelle in this too! Crazy girl! Lol!
Ive played Ys arc of napi, oath and seven. And adol was always the reserved good guy. Its nice too see him like this in the manga... Also, i dont know why but he never gets to any of the girls at the end of the game. They either die or he leaves them for another adventure...
they made Adol such a bastard LOL
The game came out in 2010, it was quite good
The story in the game was about Adol with some heroes from YS series along with Estelle and some heroes from Sora no Kiseki series get thrown into another dimension. There, depends on which hero you choose for New Game, a different kind of mascot character will be alongside with you (the mascot is the same, only his appearance different). Then each stage you will be fighting another heroes which got hypnotized by the Last Boss and regain their sense after you beat them. So on, till you fighting the last boss. There's almost no Story behind, it's a game full of fighting in YS 7 style with both YS and Sora no Kiseki characters in order to make the fans happy :)
They gave Adol a personality lol. I wonder what story the game actually has... I wish I could play it. Also added the Comedy tag.

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