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Lies of the Sheriff Evans: Dead or Love

Alt Names: alt 保安官エヴァンスの嘘alt Hoankan Evans no Uso: Dead or Love
Author: Kuriyama Mizuki
Artist: Kuriyama Mizuki
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyHistorical HistoricalRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The misadventures of the sheriff Elmore Evans as he attempts to find luck in his love life.
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Topic Chapter discussion of Sheriff Evans' Lies New Window truepurple
  • 15 Replies


So now Evans has to clarify to the reporter girl that he never thought of proposing to the actress, he was proposing to HER... in front of Oakley, who is his pretending wife at the moment. This is gonna be fun.

Gonna miss the site, gonna miss the mangas. Thanks, Cyan Steam, COF, Stan Miller.

Evans x Oakley forever!

Mathy's escape? More like Evans' escape.

Ill miss this site.


About the chapter, now the lie about the actress will come to bite him in the ass.

It's also repeated sometimes in the first pages of chapters

What is Oakley's first name anyway?


I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in the earlier chapters but it's Phoebe.

Edit: Chapter 3

What is Oakley's first name anyway?

the lied kept getting bigger ... I love it .

What goes around comes around?

well the development is going good .. glad to made a mistake thinking they would screw up since the start 


http://helveticascans.com/. Just here there for now. 

marking the page now xd, thanks a bunch to helvetica :D

Well, with Batoto shutting down I guess I'll have to find this somewhere else.

http://helveticascans.com/. Just here there for now. 

Color me surprise, I was not expecting Oakley to take a hint.

Well, with Batoto shutting down I guess I'll have to find this somewhere else.

To be honest, in hindsight if the manga kept the style of the first chapters it would get old quickly. Evans would probably become one of the most pitiable protagonists ever if every single chance he gets slips away. In a way that could work, but it would become formulaic.

Agreed. I prefer him having one main interest, with various "side gags" from time to time (like with the near-doppelganger at the bar). Constantly changing potential love interests, all turning out to be either criminals or creeped out/scared of him would get boring.

Didn't read last couple of chapters, but all still going on about Oakley

I miss first chapters  T_T.

To be honest, in hindsight if the manga kept the style of the first chapters it would get old quickly. Evans would probably become one of the most pitiable protagonists ever if every single chance he gets slips away. In a way that could work, but it would become formulaic.



If the translation is correct doesn't this mean the sherif is gay?

To be "in bed with" someone in this context is an idiom that means to work closely with. 



If the translation is correct doesn't this mean the sherif is gay?

Didn't read last couple of chapters, but all still going on about Oakley

I miss first chapters  T_T.

I bet $5 he's gonna see Oakley and say that she's the mom/his wife, therefore insta-fixing the situation and gaining waifu points in her book.
Go for broke my man

Just not brokeback if ye know what im sayin

Don't worry Oakley, in next chapter you going to be her mama for whatever reason. :)

Who knew a combination of action, romance, and comedy with endearing characters would be a success.

Also no forced fan services (except for the highly lewd Oakley's exposed knee)

inb4 the daughter is already at marriageable age and becomes Oakley`s rival...?

Nah. No chance.

I thought she was just a short adult female at first.

"This is my daughter"

*Oakley appears*

"OUR daughter"


There, solved. They are practically married by this point anyways.

.... i can see both Oakley and Evans are too stunned that the brat need to call Oakley 'Mama' instead.

And so it begins! Geez I love this manga! XD (I can't wait to see the shenanigans stemming from this)

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