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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.54 - 59votes)

Koi Kaze

Alt Names: alt Aşk Rüzgarıalt Love Windalt Wind of Lovealt 恋風
Author: Yoshida Motoi
Artist: Yoshida Motoi
Genres: Drama DramaRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Nanoka and Koshiro were separated at a young age when their parents divorced. Now, 10 years have passed, and Koshiro has already forgotten about his younger sister. Yet, Nanoka has decided to attend the nearby high school and come back to live with her father and brother. However, the two had met just before Nanoka came back to live together and without knowing each other's real identity, they went on a date, only to find out that they were actually siblings...
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This manga gives you a special kind of bittersweet anguish that paints the picture of such a relationship in a perfect way. They both know what's considered wrong, but they can't help but love.

If there is a tasteful way to depict incest this was it.

The woman he worked with was a way better choice.


Not that great of a read to me.

I find it really, REALLY funny how they spend so much time panicking over the incest, but it literally nobody cares about the twelve-year age gap. Like, in terms of ethics, that's significantly more relevant than some potential genetics trouble, at least while she's still a teenager. For something that shapes quite a lot of the character interactions and conflicts, it's existence as a plot point feels oddly tertiary

i was very satisfied with this read. definitely one of my favorite. just the progression of the story feels so nice

Simply amazing. Its level is so much higher than the others with the same genre.

This was a great read, but i still could not believe what happened, yet this made me realize from a different point of view how weird is the theme on this series.

filled with incredible emotional content. . . but it makes me feel weird inside.

Wow... what a run.
Been looking for this series.
GSA kicks in? Hmmm...

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