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* * * * * (4.68 - 140votes)

Imperial Guards

Alt Names: alt 皇国の守護者alt Koukoku no Shugosha
Author: Satou Daisuke
Artist: Itoh Yu
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureAward Winning Award WinningDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: An elite military unit conducts its duties alongside sabertooth tigers trained to assist their human masters. The Royal Kingdom invades the Empire in their desire for world dominion...after the disastrous opening battle of the war, the unit fights to save not only itself but their comrades from the enemy.
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  • 3 Replies


Someone that wrote a piece of shit like Highschool of the dead wrote this ? Wow, glad he didn't rot in the ecchi shounen genre.


You got the chronology wrong there...

Someone that wrote a piece of shit like Highschool of the dead wrote this ? Wow, glad he didn't rot in the ecchi shounen genre.

You are ridicously optimistic by nature and you should to not talk about things that you don't know. The fact that this manga is from 2004, that both the author and artist arent in any new project. You should refrain of doing comments that would lead people to build expectations that 30s of google search would be pummeled down! Its annoying!


Imperial Gaurds has ended, but that may have just been the title/sub-title for the first novel which became a 5 Volume manga. It just feels like the regular "Gaurds" are to be dissolved and become a more "regular army" force with a different name. The Sabertooth squad barely exists and the politicall and military outlook is so completely different and with all the charecter development it only feels fitting that the next series to be released would have a different meaning and name to go with it. 

So I'm not afraid that Imperial Gaurds has ended, only excited on what the author and writer have in store :)

The ending was abrupt but it was still a really good series. What a journey.

I am the translator for this series. Thanks everyone for reading it!


I appreciate the time and effort you put in translating this for us! It was a different read from the ones I usually read. Thanks again!

I am the translator for this series. Thanks everyone for reading it!

To clarify about the ending, yes, it quite was abrupt. As other people have already mentioned, this was based in a novel, that has 9 volumes total if memory serves me right. The manga adapts the first few novels (I think 1 to the start of 3, not sure), pretty much completing the first major arc of the series. As far as I know, there are two more arcs. I guess they chose this point to end because it works as a good conclusion for the first arc. They've already started setting up things for the second arc, so if they weren't going to adapt it all, this is the farthest they could go without going even further into an arc that's not going to be adapted.

If anyone wants, I guess I can translate the story summary from jp wikipedia. But it's pretty barebones and I know it skips a lot of stuff from these early chapters, so it likely also skips other important events that happen later in the novel. That said, there's little to no chance of me translating the novels, I'm afraid.

Also, just a minor spoiler. Initially, I thought they would end the manga with an event that happens right after Shinjo returns home:


The End!


NO No NO NoOooOOooo it can't end like that c'mon ;-;

Imperial Gaurds has ended, but that may have just been the title/sub-title for the first novel which became a 5 Volume manga. It just feels like the regular "Gaurds" are to be dissolved and become a more "regular army" force with a different name. The Sabertooth squad barely exists and the politicall and military outlook is so completely different and with all the charecter development it only feels fitting that the next series to be released would have a different meaning and name to go with it. 

So I'm not afraid that Imperial Gaurds has ended, only excited on what the author and writer have in store :)

This feels so weird.


So this was a Novel at first right? Then who would end it here? Was it axed? But then why would something that got axed get a Manga?


the pacing was very slow, the focus was certainly on this whole retreat of the army, so what?


Did some random guy in Japan just someday wake up in the morning and decide "Yup, i'm gonna write about a retreating army, it will only be that part tough, yes the retreat. I stop after that is done. Oh also sabertooth tigers and Dragons!"

That's the end? Oh come on give me MORE! and overall it was good war manga. M@STERSCANS! World Three! Thank you for your hard work!

wait what!? thats how you fucking end it? what was the point of adding the tension of infighting between the imperial forces, the dragon who wanted to help chinjo, the people who hated chinjo and called him a traitor, the empires princess falling for him and so on. wtf was the point of all of it if you just end it like that? ffs....

That was one hella ride...

Too bad it was this short but probably one of the best war manga out there

Thx m@sterscans !

wow it feels like they abruptly ended the manga....That's really too bad this manga was really good

This ending makes me a sad panda. Didn't think it would be this abrupt. Was it planned to stop then or was it axed? I really hope I'll be able to find out more, be it in manga form or in the form of a book.

anyone can tell me where can i find the novel?

this man is really hero....

Thanks Masterscanz for finishing the series.


Man, that was unexpected. I wanted MORE.

I totally thought this was just the beginning... too bad it end here :/

Wait, what? That's the end? Dafuq....

I don't usually post, but I'll make a expection, I was loving this so much just to have it end like that. then I decided to check the author name going "Well this name seems kind familiar.." I should of expected its also the HOTD author.. /cry Thanks M@NSTERScans for working on this! Overall the story was compelling.

are u serious

Jolly good read chaps.

...Ha? The hell? That's the end?  What an end. M@STERSCANS! World Three! Thank you for your work, and bringing this to us. It was a pleasure to read. 


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