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* * * * * (4.63 - 116votes)

Heroes of Fury

Alt Names: alt Dotou no Yuushatachialt 怒涛の勇者達
Author: One
Artist: Murata Yuusuke
Genres: Comedy ComedyFantasy FantasyOneshot OneshotShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The princess has been captured by the evil demon king and the king offers her hand in marriage in return for her rescue! But things aren't all what they seem...?
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 European comic artists, most of them suck at drawing. I can´t even name one who can match this level of detail.

That's a pretty naive and ignorant thing to say. Comic (yes I say comic, because mangas are comics. It's just that this term specifically means comics from Japan) culture varies from area to area. And because they are so different so is the presentation of the comic. Most European comics I grew up with always were drawn in a very humorous way since most of them were meant to be funny, quirky or downright satirical. Which is why the drawing reflects that. Most of them are also printed in colors unlike mangas.


Now that I think about it - how about you read Freaks' Squeele ?

Lol, this is hilarious.



Only thing I can say:


Yes. Very very much yes.

Damn One/Murata is a WIN COMBO !!

lol I didn't even notice him there!

He isn't called Waldo for nothing, lol.

haha! OMG!!! this is soooo funny the moral of the story don't piss off horny lonely men with weapons 

lol I didn't even notice him there!

LMAO, "Dokka"


brilliant name for such a stupid country!

aaahh i laughed too much , my sides hurt hahahahahah

    • Ada likes this

Never underestimate the power of a mob of lonely men :S


1. "[...]never mentioned anything about details"? I don't think so.
2. I can't name a single American artist. So by your logic, most of them suck at drawing.
3. Most Japanese artists suck at drawing. Luckily, only a select few of them ever draw anything (many of those artists are musicians or actors), and among those who draw, only another select few ever get their works published.

I do understand how you feel though. I've seen lots of European manga, back in the days when manga started to land in the European markets, and I haven't seen a good one either. But to say European artists suck at drawing, just because they can't draw manga is pretty naive of you.
Have you ever seen a Japanese comic or BD that look good? Here's one, and it looks awful. I'm not saying it's a bad comic, only that it looks bad. The author isn't bad at drawing, though (so long as he sticks to manga).

I could name a few fairly decently drawn BD (French/Belgian comics).
XIII, Redbeard, Blake & Mortimer, Largo Winch and more.
Not to mention that there are tons of manga that look awful. Just because you decided to read only the ones with a nice cover art, doesn't mean that most Japanese mangaka are good at drawing.

One of those BD authors even has a Guinness Book of World Records for most chapters published by a single author. lol I think he did it from like the 40's til the 90's or something crazy like that >_< It's on wiki somewhere, just to lazy to ref right now -_-


@zimzimbadabim & @Fuzaki Waldo even comes with a matching sword >_< Lmfao

heheh c:

ONE/MURATA duo is really unstoppable! The story was really funny, and the art was absolutely gorgeous. Good to know Murata-sensei also does fantasy settings, for what we have seem in OPM, his city landscapes, fighting sequences and full colored mechas in the sunset are dropdead gorgeous. And the humour is just right, like in OPM.



Its missing the last page for some reason.

Never underestimate the power of a mob of lonely men :S


Why do you put words in my mout I never uttered? I said MOST, and never mentioned anything about details.

European comic artists, most of them suck at drawing. I can´t even name one who can match this level of detail.

1. "[...]never mentioned anything about details"? I don't think so.
2. I can't name a single American artist. So by your logic, most of them suck at drawing.
3. Most Japanese artists suck at drawing. Luckily, only a select few of them ever draw anything (many of those artists are musicians or actors), and among those who draw, only another select few ever get their works published.

I do understand how you feel though. I've seen lots of European manga, back in the days when manga started to land in the European markets, and I haven't seen a good one either. But to say European artists suck at drawing, just because they can't draw manga is pretty naive of you.
Have you ever seen a Japanese comic or BD that look good? Here's one, and it looks awful. I'm not saying it's a bad comic, only that it looks bad. The author isn't bad at drawing, though (so long as he sticks to manga).

I could name a few fairly decently drawn BD (French/Belgian comics).
XIII, Redbeard, Blake & Mortimer, Largo Winch and more.
Not to mention that there are tons of manga that look awful. Just because you decided to read only the ones with a nice cover art, doesn't mean that most Japanese mangaka are good at drawing.
upper left
LOL, that was just so funny :D

Gravure Princess. lol
hahahhahaha that was sooo hilarious my stomache hurts lol!....
such morale lol, they should do that much often in stories lol! xD
Srry double post, to correct myself in prev post. I said match the level of detail, just cause you bombard your comic with references doesn´t mean detailed art.

"European artists suck at drawing? No love for details?"

Why do you put words in my mout I never uttered? I said MOST, and never mentioned anything about details.

And to answer your last question, stale bread and vegetable soup.

@Fallen, thanks for proving my point. :)
hahaha that was some oneshot >.<
Haven't you seen the massive amounts of french and german manga?
(Okay massive may be a little exaggerated....)
European artists suck at drawing? No love for details? What were they feeding you in childhood?

Go sit in the corner, now! Silly little boy...
Must be one of the best one-shot ever, the art, the dialogues are super.

"Ah, pardon I think something´s wrong with my eyes. I caught a glimpse of something demon king-like."

ROFLMAO, that line, so polite, spoken with such calm.

@Starbuck: European manga? (I think you meant, manga drawn by European, if that now exist?). European comic artists, most of them suck at drawing. I can´t even name one who can match this level of detail.

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