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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.25 - 16votes)

Golden Boy

Alt Names: alt ゴールデンボーイalt Goldenboy
Author: Egawa Tatsuya
Artist: Egawa Tatsuya
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiHarem HaremPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenYuri Yuri[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Oe Kintarou is a Tokyo University Law School dropout. However, he had completed all the course work needed to graduate before leaving school. Since then, he has wandered through many jobs all over Japan as a student of life with little more than a journal, a pen, and his trusty mountain bike (the Mikazuki 5). On his journeys, he runs into various compromising situations with beautiful women, and he must use his unique talents as a jack-of-all-trades to survive, let alone have a chance to find his true calling in life. But he is far more skilled than he appears, and he is determined to succeed no matter what he does. He could be the man who will save Japan--no, the world... or maybe not. Packed with hilarious hi-jinks, lots of ecchi, ramen noodles, gracious kindness, and even some toilet hugging, Golden Boy is full of non-stop fun.

The chapter label "Lesson" refers to the prologue chapters. The "Study" chapter label is for the main story.

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Dead scanlation. 

My goodness the comments make me laugh 

"The Golden Man" The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where the existence of potentially powerful mutants has become a reality.


The protagonists of the story are a government agent and his fiancée who are members of a government agency tasked with tracking down and sterilizing or eliminating mutants- individuals with physical abnormalities and superhuman powers (such as the ability to steal the appearance and memories of others) that make them a threat to normal humans. The eponymous "Golden Man" is a feral young man named Cris with gold-colored skin, who does not appear to be sapient but possesses the ability to see into the future (specifically, the ability to see all possible outcomes from any single action, described in the story as similar to a chess player with the ability to see all possible moves 5 steps ahead). The agency manages to capture Cris, but does not execute him immediately, due to their wish to study his ability. Unknown to the agency, Cris turns out to possess another power; his golden skin acts like a lion's mane and allows him to seduce members of the opposite sex. Cris influences the fiancée into freeing him, then impregnates her and makes his escape. The story ends with the protagonist reflecting on how animal instincts have triumphed over human intellect, and how that is the new direction evolution will take if Cris succeeds in replacing humanity.

Interesting... clearly not related to this, but interesting nonetheless.

"The Golden Man" The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where the existence of potentially powerful mutants has become a reality.


The protagonists of the story are a government agent and his fiancée who are members of a government agency tasked with tracking down and sterilizing or eliminating mutants- individuals with physical abnormalities and superhuman powers (such as the ability to steal the appearance and memories of others) that make them a threat to normal humans. The eponymous "Golden Man" is a feral young man named Cris with gold-colored skin, who does not appear to be sapient but possesses the ability to see into the future (specifically, the ability to see all possible outcomes from any single action, described in the story as similar to a chess player with the ability to see all possible moves 5 steps ahead). The agency manages to capture Cris, but does not execute him immediately, due to their wish to study his ability. Unknown to the agency, Cris turns out to possess another power; his golden skin acts like a lion's mane and allows him to seduce members of the opposite sex. Cris influences the fiancée into freeing him, then impregnates her and makes his escape. The story ends with the protagonist reflecting on how animal instincts have triumphed over human intellect, and how that is the new direction evolution will take if Cris succeeds in replacing humanity.

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