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* * * * - (4.46 - 59votes)

Gakkou no Sensei (SUYAMA Shinya)

Alt Names: alt 学校のせんせいalt 学校教师alt School Teacher (SUYAMA Shinya)
Author: Suyama Shinya
Artist: Suyama Shinya
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Sakura, Akane, and Yuriko have been friends ever since they met in high school. They all wanted to become teachers and now that they've grown up somehow agreed on living together. The story depicts their lives as teachers.
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did this get dropped?


20 January 2014 - 01:37 AM

did this get dropped?

ahhaha so well made people


kudos to a joke very well done :)



April Fools release indeed.  Click the link for explanation of how it was made.  There's a spoiler box you can toggle to see what was real and what was fake.

I enjoyed that even more than the Saiteihen no Otoko -Scumbag Loser joke release. Thanks a lot!



What an amazing ending. 



April Fools release indeed.  Click the link for explanation of how it was made.  There's a spoiler box you can toggle to see what was real and what was fake.

U mad bro? Come at me!



Wow you don't have the time to do s/ for 4 months but you have the time to do this, as a joke it was bad, f/ck you, and I'm not talking about the chapter having missing pages but the idiotic credit pages.

There are many other things you could have done that are more funny than this, seriously, you're making jokes as if you were a japanese publisher.

I don't this is an april fools joke. According to mangaupdates the manga ended on vol 5. So yeah, it's ending soon.



I hope this was a joke...

the quality of this "Chapter 35" soured my mood enough to keep me from sleeping, thank you for depriving me of the sleep i so much need.

0.o woot o.0 waat, wrong ticket ? i though this ship go to comedyfornia not depressionshinton. 

I should be angered or depressed by that 'ending' but somehow the whole thing is hilarious. I tip my hat to those responsible.

Hope this is an April Fool's release... perhaps this was a dream and its missin the next few pages... 

I usually find April's Fools releases funny, but this one had me gaping and then frowning.


That was not cool. ._.

Official source troll? The author getting revenge for something? Maybe he was held at cockpoint and forced to draw it?


Author getting revenge? No, you mean the scanlation group. The manga is completed in japan. :P

Official source troll? The author getting revenge for something? Maybe he was held at cockpoint and forced to draw it?

I am really hoping this is april fools joke you know

Holy f what a depressing end.

These april fools releases are irritating. -_-

April Fools' happened.

What happened to chapter 11-34?

So what's better than one cute girl in love?  Clearly, two cute girls in love! Throw in the star-crossed forbidden love aspect that just heightens everything and yuri is, how you say, made of win. 

^This is undoubtedly a heroic statement originated from the very core of pure justice.



..... This woman is invincible.

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