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* * * * - (4.19 - 26votes)

Dakara Miyoko desu

Alt Names: alt だから美代子ですalt Therefore I am Miyoko
Author: Munko
Artist: Munko
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The daily life of Miyoko, who moves in with her parents-in-law after her husband passes away.
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I like how their neighbor has slowly become part of their daily life in the recent chapters, she adds more comedy to the story.

Myouko and her adoptive family just aren't really inclined to play tsukkomi at all. They're far too steeped in the Silly Side of the Force.

I like how their neighbor has slowly become part of their daily life in the recent chapters, she adds more comedy to the story.

Oh man, I laughed hard at the cabaret page.

Now that was a smooth chapter. It's so good when all the 4-komas chain together to form a "plot".

This turns out to be very soothing to read while I'm still hurting from news of Batoto's end.

huh? seriously!? man Im new user here, recently registered. lol


Yeah, pretty much:



I like the whole "It's Miyoko, not Miyouko" joke at the start of each chapter.


With batoto closing in 10 days, everyone that wants to keep reading this would need to go to Denji's site:



huh? seriously!? man Im new user here, recently registered. lol

I like the whole "It's Miyoko, not Miyouko" joke at the start of each chapter.


With batoto closing in 10 days, everyone that wants to keep reading this would need to go to Denji's site:



I'm sure that a replacement site will pop up very quickly, but in the meantime I really appreciate the referral. I'm also doing my part to make sure that more people can find the blog if they need to, so hopefully the transition will go smoothly.

I like the whole "It's Miyoko, not Miyouko" joke at the start of each chapter.


With batoto closing in 10 days, everyone that wants to keep reading this would need to go to Denji's site:



Oh boy, this has potential

so good. i missed reading this style of art

That prank call scene was gold!

Beard Gorilla does not do "better job of tying plot together", it does zero job at tying plot together. One chapter it's all gags and then next chapter is attempted drama, then next chapter it's back to gags.

(Spoiler tags because I'm referring to stuff which actually happens in both comics, which people may not have read.)

Compared with this? Beard Gorilla has
There's thought going into that. When the topic is something sad, the tone of the comic is generally serious, and that's appropriate, but a part of the point is that the situation isn't always sad.

This title, on the other hand,

Chapter 2 was as funny and silly as the first one. 


Lol'd at the husband's will.


Overall it seems like it will be a cute, carefree story.

sweet-clumsy housewife is all i need after these neck-wrecking day

Chichi to Higegorira to Watashi (which was showing up in my list as Dad, the Beard Gorilla and I until a little while ago -- I guess Batoto decided to use Japanese titles all the time at some point?) does a much better job of tying together a plot along these lines.

Beard Gorilla does not do "better job of tying plot together", it does zero job at tying plot together. One chapter it's all gags and then next chapter is attempted drama, then next chapter it's back to gags.

It remains to be seen how this one goes, but from the looks of it it's all gags.

What a cute and heartwarming story.


Basically a woman learning to move on after the death of her husband thanks to her parents.


All that with some comedy in her daily life.


Followed and i hope it gets more updates.

This feels really weird. It alternates between making a joke out of "oh woe is me my husband is dead" and just being random gags about daily life. It's not bad, really, but kind of flavorless; Chichi to Higegorira to Watashi (which was showing up in my list as Dad, the Beard Gorilla and I until a little while ago -- I guess Batoto decided to use Japanese titles all the time at some point?) does a much better job of tying together a plot along these lines.

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